chapter 3

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"Y/n! Stop it!" George laughs and tries to stop you from tingling him. "I don't wanna fall to the fuckin' river!"

"You started it!" you giggle and accidently knock the now empty bottle of champagne to the water. It splashes some water on you and you start laughing harder.

"We have to take it out, Y/n! Some fish is gonna choke on it!" he exclaimes really seriously. He was clearly drunk and so were you.

"It's too big for a fish to choke on it, you idiot!" you start, but he's already standing up. "Don't do it!"

"Look it's flowin' further and further away, soon we won't be able to catch it!" he says and jumps into the water, splashing more water onto you.

"George!" you laugh and also stand up.

What the hell, right?

You also jump in, giggling like crazy. You almost don't feel how cold the water actually is at first. George managed to catch the bottle and he turned around, so he was facing you.

"I got it, look!" he says proudly and you laughed hysterically, getting water up your nose. That makes you laugh even more and George is also almost choking, at this point.

After about half an hour you two finally get out of the water. That's when you feel the cold temperature going through your skin, right to the bones. Gentle, but not so warm wind makes it even worse.

"We should've taken off out clothes, eh?" George asks as he sees you shaking. "Come 'ere." he says, opening his arms. You don't complain and hug him, trying to exchange the warmth of your bodies. "Feelin' better?" he asks and you hum in response, enjoying every little second of the embrance.

After a minute or two you let go of him. With huge disapointment though. Unluckily it's getting late and you should be home soon. Although it's just John, so he won't care when he finds out you were with George. You remember stealing his cigarettes and you quickly slip your hand into your pocket and take them out. They were totally soaked, just like all of your clothes.

"They won't work like this, will they?" you ask and George shakes his head, laughing.

"Since when do ya even smoke?"

"I don't. Just wanted to piss off John." you shrug and carelessly throw the pack away. The cold water made you sober up a bit and you are thinking a bit more straight. George takes the blanket from the ground and wraps it around you, making sure it's not too dirty before. "Thanks."

"No problem love. Can't get you sick now, can we? We have plans I'm lookin' foward to!" he says with enthusiasm.

"But you can't be sick either!" you chuckle and pass him the blanket. "Just shut up and take it." But he gives it back to you, so you shoot him a glare jokingly.

"You get sick more easily!" he laughs as you push it back into his arms.

"Liar!" you laugh when he gives it back to you.

"Can't we just share? Is that okay with you ma'am?" he asks sarcastically and you punch him on the arm. "Fine, I'll take it!" he laughs and wraps himself in it. You smile proudly as you start walking home. George decided to walk you home, so it was really nice. Few minutes into the walk you remembered that the basket is still there, but George said he can take it later.

You knock on the door and wait for your brother to open whilst casually chatting with George. You knock again, but still no one answers.

"Maybe he's out." George says, but you know better than that. You walk up to the window that shows the living room and you curse loudly.

"What's wrong?" he asks and you start banging on the window.

"John you bastard! Let me in!" you yell and your brother gives you a mischievious grin from the couch. You notice he has company and you sigh.

"Is he seriously not going to let you in?" George laughs and you glare at him. "I mean uh, it's not funny at all." he grunts and you roll your eyes.

"Paul, c'mon you're not like him! Let me in!" you yell again and Paul shruggs, but starts laughing his ass off when John starts to mimic you. You flip them off and walk away from the window and George follows you.

"You look funny, when yer angry." he chuckles and you smile too.

"You're an idiot." you say. He knows you well and he knows it's your way of saying you love him. Not the kind of love you really have for him though.

"You know ya love me!" he laughs and you shake your head laughing. "I can help you get in through your window y'know." he offers and you look at the lads talking amd smoking on the couch.

"Fine. Then we'll find a way to get back at them. What do you say, Harrison?" you ask, grinning.

"With you? Always!"

his lil kangaroo is too much 🥺🥺

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his lil kangaroo is too much 🥺🥺

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