chapter 2

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"Are you sure there aren't any wild animals in here?" you say shakingly when you hear a noise of leaves moving on your left. George only squeezes your hand harder.

"If it was any dangerous in here, I would have never brought ya here love." he says and your heart starts hammering and you feel a tingling feeling in your stomach and at the tips of your fingers.

Maybe it wasn't only physical attraction you felt towards him. Maybe it was something bigger.

"Okay, I trust you." you reply and you two continue to walk down the path. You relax a bit more, focusing on the place where your skin is touching George's unbelievably soft one. You wish you could hold his hand like that more often.

You don't talk at all, but the silence is not awkward. It's rather nice. From time to time you can feel your friend's eyes on you and you do your best not to blush, but that doesn't really work out.

Suddenly he stops and you look at him questioningly.

"Never mind." George says and grunts nervously. You observe him. You know him too well to don't see that something is bothering him.

"What's wrong?" you ask, not letting go of his hand. "You know you can tell me, right?"

"I know, it's just stupid y'know? Let's forget about it." he says and gives you a warm smile. You smile back, not wanting to push him into telling you. He'll tell you when he wants you.

You carry on walking and you decide to lighten up the mood, since George seemed a bit upset.

"You know what that idot John did to me today?" you chuckle and George grins the second you do, but then he suddenly gets dead serious again. "What is it, Geo?"

"Shit, we have a gig today." he says, sighing. "I totally forgot!"

"Well don't worry, you guys are gonna do great!" you try to cheer him up. "Believe me, you'll be famous someday!"

"No, it's not that! I lost my guitar!"  George confesses, his face a mix of anger and sadness and you pull him into a comforting hug. You know how much this guitar meant to him. It wasn't anything special really, but it was his first and he learnt how to play on it. He's had it for 3 years and he would carry it everywhere with him.

"Geo, I'm so sorry." you say and he buries his face in the crook of your neck. "You can borrow mine for today." you offer and he nods, still cuddled to you. He was *insert how much lol* taller than you, so it was funny how he had to bend his knees to be on your level. "Okay enough, I feel sorry for your knees now." you say and he pulls away, laughing slightly.

"Thank you Y/n." he says to you and you blush, when you realize you were still holding hands with him. "Really, yer the best."

"No I'm not, let's just go Mr. Sappy." you joke and he laughs again. The fact that you cheered him up makes you somehow happier.

"Only you make me sappy, y'know." he answers jokingly and you squeeze his hand, so it hurts him a bit, but not too much. "Ouch!" he laughs and sticks out his tongue at you. You put your palm on his face, so he has to put it back in his mouth. That makes him laugh again and suddenly he starts running in the direction you were going to.

"George! Don't leave me here!" you laugh, forgetting that you were ever even a little scared of the forest.

"Just follow me!" he shouts and you shake your head, but start to run after him. Luckily you were in good shape, since you like sports. You'd often play football with John, George and Paul when you were younger. You didn't care when your auntie kept saying that it's a game for boys.

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