chapter 8

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"So," you say to John through the door to his room "how did it go? Did you two kiss?!"

George went home a while ago, since he wasn't even supposed to stay the night at your place. You waited until Paul left and as soon as he did, you quickly ran to John to check what happened after Paul found out that he has feelings for him.

Now you're standing by the door, waiting for your brother to answer, but he doesn't as usual. You knock a few more times, but still nothing.

"Can I come in?" you ask loudly and when he still doesn't reply, you just go in. You see John sitting on his bed, smoking a cigarette and crying.

"Get the fuck out, Y/n." he says, wiping off some tears angrily.

"I'm having some serious deja vu." you mutter under your breath. You sit in front of John on one of his chairs and give him a serious look. "He didn't say it back, did he?"

"If you don't leave my room this second, I'll stick this ciggie into your-"

"Woah! I was never here." you raise your hands in defence and quickly leave him alone.

You call up George and tell him everything. He says that maybe Paul just doesn't have feeling for his best mate and that hurt John. Maybe they got into a fight and that's why Paul left. After hanging up you wonder about it all for a while. You decide to check if Paul's all right, because he's your friend too after all. He's definetly less rude than your brother.

You tell John that you're going out and he still doesn't say a word to you. Paul's father answers the door, when you knock.

"Good that you're here Y/n, come in!" he welcomes you warmly and you thank him. "Did something happen last night? Paul is acting weird, but I don't wanna push him into telling me."

"Just a little disagreement with John, Sir.  Nothing big, I promise." you reply politely and the man sighs.

"It's very nice of you to come here and check on him. Paul's upstairs in his room."

"Of course, thanks again." you say and go in the direction of Paul's room. On the way you bump into Mike and he fist bumps you like always. He mentions his brother locking himself in his bedroom and not letting anyone in.

"Yeah, that's why I'm here. Fixin' John's messes." you sigh and knock on Paul's door. Of course he ignores that. One of the things him and John have in common, apparently. "Paul, it's Y/n!" you call and you hear him moving inside. Seconds later you hear the lock getting unlocked and Paul opens the door slowly.

"Go away, Mike." he murmures and his brother does as he was told. "And you, come in." he says and you get into his small room. Even though you have no idea what actually happened between them, you can see they're both hurt. That means they both still care about eachother and they will work it all out.

"What happened with John today? He doesn't wanna talk to me."

"He said he wants me out of the band." Paul admits sadly. "I can't believe it."

"What?! Just like that?!" you ask and Paul nods sadly. "And what did you say to that?"

"I-I think I asked why. I don't remember much really, I think I'm still kind of drunk, I don't know." he mumbles, some tears rolling down his cheeks. You pull him into a gentle hug and he melts into it. "You said he's in love with me."

"He is." you assure him honestly. "Did he say anything about that?"

"No. Just that I'm out. He repeated it many times you know." he wipes off the tears from his face, but continues shaking slightly. "I think I'm in love with him too. No matter how illegal that is."

"Then call him! Meet with him at Strawberry Fields or whatever. Kiss him. That's probably the best option, cause it'll shut him up." you propose and he chuckles. "I'm serious! Tell him to meet you there and kiss the hell out of him!"

"Yeah..." Paul nods, blushing furiously. "I think I will."

"That's the attitude! Now go get that stupid bloke." you pat him on the shoulder and he laughs.

You get back home to find George waiting for you there.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" you grin widely, when he kisses you as a hello.

"I just missed ya." he replies, kissing you once again. He moves his hands to your hips and you put yours on his. The kiss lasts until you both run out of breath, but then you kiss him again, more passionatly. He moans and slides his hands all the way to your ass.

"Wanna take this inside?" you ask sugestively and he nods enthusiastically, kissing your neck.

You two almost run upstairs and for the first time in many weeks you lock the door.

You two almost run upstairs and for the first time in many weeks you lock the door

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