03 || First day

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When I get to my dorm, exhausted from the day and all of the questions, I want to go to bed immediately. Unfortunately, I'm met with eight drunk people. Tracey and Millicent are playing truth or dare with Vincent and Gregory in the corner of the room. Amber and Blaise are making out on her bed, the don't notice me entering at all.

Worst of all, Malfoy is laying on my bed with his shoes on, looking straight ahead, while Daphne runs her fingers through his hair. She seems to really want Draco to kiss her as she's looking at him quite seductively.

"Malfoy, get off my bed please." I announce my presence as I'm walking towards him.

"Ah, come to see the show?" He smirks as he's pointing to Amber's bed right across from mine, where Amber and Blaise are getting more intimate by the minute.

"Urgh, shut it you dirty pig." I respond irritatedly, waiting at the side of my bed with my arms crossed.

"Look at yourself." He spats as he gets up, wanting to show his dominance by towering over me. "I get it, Draco. You think I'm fat. Can we move on with our lives now? I wanna sleep." I shove him out of my way and sit down on my bed, taking off my shoes.

"I'm out of here." He states as he dramatically leaves our dorm.

After getting ready, I slide under the covers and put my sleeping mask on, not wanting to be bothered by the other people still in the room.

The morning comes quickly and I find myself waking up to a messy room, I clearly hadn't noticed yesterday evening how big of a mess they made it. Since it's the first day of school, I decided to get up early to make sure I'm prepared, mostly mentally.

Across the room, I see Amber entangled with Blaise in her bed, both sleeping soundly. Daphne and Millicent are laying alone in their beds while Tracey fell asleep on the ground next to Gregory. My eyes search for Pansy, but she's nowhere to be seen. A bit worried, I get out of bed and quickly put on my uniform before making my way out of our dormitory and towards the Great Hall. I sigh in relief when I see Pansy eating breakfast at the slytherin table by herself. It's rather early, so there aren't a lot of students yet.

"Good morning girlfriend!" She says enthusiastically as I take a seat across from her. "Morning, Pans." I smile at her. "What are you doing here so early? You're definitely not a morning person." I ask.

"I like to be out of here before everyone else comes. I've been on my own a lot last year and I'm growing to like it." Pansy responds before taking another bite of her breakfast. "Oh yeah, about what I told you yesterday. Could you please not bring it up with them? I don't want another fight. Everything is fine now that I've got you again."

"Of course, if that's what you want." I respond, looking at her sympathetically.

"Thanks." Pansy starts observing the room as she's already done with her food, her eyes roam around the room and scan the teacher's table as I start eating the breakfast that just magically appeared in front of me. "Hey, that's weird."

"What?" I say with my mouth stuffed.

"Professor Snape, he's staring at you."

"Why would he be-" I cut my own sentence off as I lock eyes with the head of my house. His deep, dark eyes are staring right through me, as if he's looking into my soul, finding out my deepest secrets. That same feeling I had yesterday returns and it's freaking me out, my stomach turns and I feel my heartbeat increasing. When I start to get intimidated, I quickly refocus my attention on my food, but I can still feel his eyes burning on my skin.

"Did you piss him off or something?"

"No. At least, I don't think so. Maybe he's annoyed that I bumped into him yesterday." I answer, not understanding in the slightest why my potions master is staring so intensely at me.

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