07 || The truth

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I look up in surprise as my potions master is towering over me. My eyes are red and my cheeks are wet. "I'm fine." I sob, turning my gaze back to the ground.

A low chuckle rings in my ears. "Are we going to have to repeat ourselves, Miss y/l/n?" My eyes search for his again and that's when I see he's holding out his hand. Looking at his hand, I gulp, knowing the sensation I'll feel when I take it. Hesitantly, I move my hand towards his, gently taking it before he pulls me up.

"Why don't you come to my office? You can tell me over tea, hmm?" He suggests once I'm on my feet again. Before I can even answer, he already places his big hand on my back, leading me towards his office. My stomach turns and my breath hitches when I feel his handprint press against my back. Why is he being so nice to me? This is not the professor I've known since first year.

I feel his presence close to me as we walk through the corridors. To bystanders it might seem like he's mad at me, leading me with his hand on my back, but that's not how it feels. It feels as if he's trying to make me feel safe and protected.

When we reach his office, he opens the door and gently pushes me inside before him. My trembling legs take a few steps forward until I'm standing beside his desk. Professor Snape closes the door behind him and pulls out a chair opposite his. "Sit." He orders in an inviting manner. My watery eyes meet his before I nod and sit down.

He sits down on the other side of his desk and pours some tea into two cups, pushing one towards me. My shaking hand reaches for the cup and brings it to my mouth, trembling. "What happened that made you cry like this in the hallway?" He asks surprisingly sweetly.

Even though I find the situation a little bit weird, I've never had a problem opening up to people about my personal business. "I broke up with Harry." I sob. "I was honest with him and I knew he would be hurt... but he took it worse than I expected and now I feel really bad." I say sadly before taking another sip of my tea.

Professor Snape stares at me intently, his posture ever so intimidating as he's leaning back in his chair. His arms are crossed against his chest as his eyes roam over my body. "Is it temporary?"

What a weird question.

"No. I wasn't really expecting this either when I got back to Hogwarts. Somehow, after my year in hiding, my feelings changed. Harry just doesn't make me feel like he used to... I guess. There's a weird, empty feeling I carry with me and nothing-" I stop talking when our eyes meet, the empty feeling in me disappearing like snow in the sun. The overwhelming need to have any form of physical contact with him almost makes me lose my boundaries. Don't be ridiculous y/n. Stop it now, he's your teacher.

I clear my throat to break the tension. "My feelings are clear, yet my mind can't make any sense of them."

"And what are these feelings?" He asks while leaning forward, his arms laying crossed on his desk. I gulp as his face is suddenly very close to mine. "I-I" I stutter as I see his eyes darting between my eyes and lips again, just like in the storage room before Harry interrupted. My eyes start to do the same thing, yet I'm still a bit reluctant. "I" My throat squeezes out once again.

Just before I'm able to stutter some letters again, his hands grab my face and he slams his lips on mine. Even though I'm completely overwhelmed and confused by his action, I kiss him back. Butterflies abuse my stomach as his tongue enters my mouth. His hands are gripping my face tightly, almost as if he's scared I'll slip away. He dominates the kiss with ease, making me follow his lead. My clueless hands quickly find where they belong when they make their way into his hair.

It's not greasy. I was right.

My crying stops completely, his lips on mine make me feel like I'm floating. A sensation of serenity fills my body, everything around me disappears, leaving only me and Snape in this perfect moment. Even though I know this is so wrong, it feels so right, like this is exactly where I belong, like this was meant to be.

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