35 || Christmas

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My eyes widen as they take in the Malfoy Mannor. I've been here before, sure, but its beauty never stops being imposing. I have to take a deep breath before I dare to knock on the door. The task I have tonight is pretty big and I'm scared of ruining it for Draco. My biggest worry is getting his parents to believe that I am in love with their son. I hope I don't make a fool out of myself and embarrass myself. I just have to relax, be quiet and look pretty. That's what Draco told me to do at least. Should I have practiced beforehand? Should I-

The door swings open to reveal a beautiful woman in a stunning black dress. My heart skips a beat out of anxiety. "Y/n!" She greets excitedly. "How lovely of you to join us this evening." Mrs. Malfoy gestures for me to come in and puts her hand on my back as she leads me through the hall. "The pleasure is all mine." I respond kindly. "You can give your coat to the house elf, darling." Out of thin air, an elf appears and I hand him my coat.

"I brought some gifts." I tell Draco's mother. "Where shall I put them?"

"How sweet of you! You can give them to the elf, he'll put them under the tree." She responds. I hand him my presents and thank him before returning my attention to Mrs. Malfoy.

"You are just in time. Dinner is being served as we speak." When we reach the dining room, I see Draco and his father sitting at the table. They both stand up from their seats when they see me and walk around it to greet me. Draco reaches me fast and romantically says "y/n" before he kisses me on the lips, nothing improper but long enough to make it seem like he's been longing for me. "Draco" I giggle after he ends the kiss. Then I turn to his father. He flashes a polite smile as he holds out his hand. I place my hand in his and he lifts it to press a kiss to my knuckles. "It's a pleasure to have you, miss y/l/n." He speaks smoothly. "I must say that you look exquisite tonight." He compliments.

"Why, thank you. I'm excited to join your family this evening, sir." I respond softly.

"Please, call me Lucius." He smiles and looks straight into my eyes as he loosens his grip on my hand. I retreat my hand and feel Draco's arm wrap around me.

"Let's all eat." Narcissa says as she walks to her place at the table. Draco walks me to my chair and gives me a quick peck on my cheek before walking around the table and sitting down opposite me. Narcissa and Lucius are both seated at the heads of the table.

"So..." Lucius begins "how did the two of you come to be?"

"Ehm, well we-"

"We were paired together on a project for school." Draco interrupts me. "And-"

"Draco, manners." Lucius warns him. "Continue, dear." He says chivalrously. Draco immediately presses his lips together and looks ashamed at the ground. I've never seen Draco like this. His father holds so much power over him, it's almost as if he's scared of him.

"Well... like Draco said: we worked together on a project. I have to admit, I actually wasn't very fond of him beforehand. You see, he has quite the reputation at school... and I misjudged him. As we worked together, we started to get to know each other and hung out more often. I found him to be quite charming. We've been inseparable ever since." I make up a cute little story, making Draco sound like a player who got with a lot of girls but stopped when he fell for me. I look at Draco with dreamy eyes before refocusing my attention on Lucius.

"How adorable." He responds.

"How did you meet? If you don't mind me asking." I carefully ask Lucius and Narcissa.

"Our story is quite similar to yours actually." Narcissa smiles sweetly as she starts talking. "Lucius was a prefect and made it his mission to catch me doing something against the rules. To put it mildly, I greatly disliked him. Of course he never succeeded, I was a perfect student." She takes a sip from her expensive wine.

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