Worth it

333 13 15

Current Day Author: 

If you read the previous version of this chapter, it is important that you re-read it because I added a plot point!

(Y/N)'s POV

'Finally! The exams are finally here! I can't wait for it to be over!' I thought as I walked to the classroom with a small, genuine smile on my face. As soon as I entered, the first thing I noticed was a large stack of papers on Mr Aizawa's desk. 'Damn that's a lot. Guess I'll just wait.'

--- Time Skip to after all of the written exams---

Since the written exams were done, the class and I were standing in our hero outfits waiting for the teachers in front of us to tell us what we'd be doing. In all honesty, the written exams weren't as bad as I had previously anticipated but the suspense of not knowing what we were going to be doing for the practical filled me with anxiety. I was so worried that I just barely caught what Mr Aizawa said.

"For your practical, you will be fighting us," he said, referring to him and the teachers, "We will be handicapped because of these weights that weigh half of our masses. You will have to either handcuff your opponent or make it to the end goal within the time provided."

He then proceeded to state who we'd each be fighting against — he also said something about the pairings being chosen based on our abilities and how well we work with each other.

I ended up with Shoji and we would be fighting Snipe. 

'Even with weights on them, a person can still use a gun so was there really a point to him wearing them?' I thought.

"Let's begin!" All Might grinned.

--- Time Skip to your match ---

Shoji and I were in a terrain that was filled with smoke. Perfect! The plan was pretty simple too: Shoji would locate him and then I would bait the pro towards him to allow Shoji to engage in close combat with him whilst I sneak up on Snipe and handcuff him. If that failed, we'd just try to find the exit.

"3.....2.....1...... BEGIN!"

We immediately put the plan into action and it worked out super easily! Too easy in fact! It made me suspicious of whether or not this was the actual test. I decided to try not to linger on that thought, despite how it nagged at me in the back of my mind.

'I expected and wanted something more difficult but I guess this'll have to do.'

On my way back to the viewing room, I bumped into Katsu.

"Sorry Katsu!" I smiled. 

He didn't respond with words, instead he kissed me. I went a little stiff, thinking about the dream that I had previously had, panic froze my blood and clouded my mind before he pulled me closer causing me to practically melt into him. After a while, we had stopped kissing and were just standing there, in the middle of the hallway, cuddling.

Eventually, Katsu let go of me, much to my displeasure. He smiled when he saw the pouting expression I had on my face and whispered, "We'll continue this later, kitten."

Then, he walked away, leaving me a blushing mess from the pet name. Once I had calmed down, I continued walking to the viewing room.

When I entered the room, I leaned against the back wall and soon, the room around me had faded into a dull blur and the constant chatter thinned into a whisper. It felt as though I was trapped in my body but instead of panicking at the realisation, I found myself feeling not exactly calm, but numb in a pleasant way. It was like the fog that was usually only present in my head when I space out, had spread and dissolved into my entire body. The fog engulfed me yet it was as if it was shielding me from the stress of my emotions and thoughts. It was... nice.

Determined Hero (mha x suicidal fem reader) Book 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now