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Current Day Author:

This chapter has changed a plot point of the story so it might be a good idea to read it again if you've only read the first version.

(Y/N)'s POV

It was the day after the Sports Festival and I was doing the usual: going to school ridiculously early whilst listening to music. For once, I was super thankful that I leave that early because it meant that I could easily avoid fans from the Sports Festival. Once I got in the classroom, I checked the time and looked at the front just to see if Mr Aizawa was sleeping in his cocoon, which he was.

I sat down in my chair and began to quietly sing the song to myself. The song was a Nightcore of Gasoline by Hasley. (Author: There are swear words in the song btw. Just incase u don't like swearing, there's ur warning.)

After that, I listened to a random 1 hour video of slowed down sad songs (Author: I stayed up all night listening to one of those lol) which ended a minute or two before class started so I put away my earphones and looked at the front of the classroom.

"Alright class, settle down," Mr Aizawa said tiredly, "Now that the Sports Festival is over, it's time for you all to start your internships. Some people got recommendations for interships from a lot of pros and some didn't but you will all be doing an internship. Here's the total of recommendations for the people who got some."

On the chalkboard, I saw that Todo had the most recommendations, followed by Katsu and then me. 'Wow. That's a lot. This is gonna be..... interesting.'

"For those who didn't get recommended, here are sheets of places offering internships that you must pick from. Hand in your forms by Monday. Along with the internship, you are all gonna have to decide something that will change your future.."

'It's probably not that serious. Mr Aizawa always plays tricks like these on us.'

"You have to decide on your code names."

The class erupted into relief, joy and chatter. Quickly becoming bored of this, I stopped paying attention and resorted to staring blankly out of the window, thinking about what I want my code name to be. After a few minutes, I figured out what my code name was gonna be so I wrote it down on a piece of card on my desk and let my mind drift off as I waited.

A few minutes later, I heard SS talking so I got immensely confused. 'When did she get here? Probably while I was out of it.'

She was getting people to present their code names to the class and surprisingly, most of them were decent but the one that made me laugh was Katsu's: 'KING EXPLOSION MURDER'

Eventually, I got up and explained mine.

"My code name is Dawn because I want to be the person that shows people that the dark times have ended. I want people to feel a sense of security and comfort when they see me. I want to be people's light."

It seems unrealistic, heck, it was unrealistic but that was what I wanted to be or at least I thought that was what I wanted to be since my brain is often so muddled and confusing that figuring out what I want and/or need is mostly guesswork.

--- Time Skip ---

It was lunchtime and I was sitting with Todo and Yao-momo as usual but I was still a little angry and upset with Todo, even though it was for a really dumb and kinda petty reason.

"It's insane how they expect us to only pick one!" I complained.

"I've already picked mine," Todo responded. 'Of course he has.'

"Where have you decided to intern at Todoroki?" Yao-momo asked.

"I'm interning at the Endeavour Agency."

I nearly chocked on my food when I heard that. 'I guess he's taking Izu's and my advice.'

"Glad to see that your moving on," I smiled widely. He simply nodded at my statement, which hurt just a little.

"Indeed," Yao-momo said with a small smile if her own.

"Thank you," Todo replied, focusing only on Yao-momo despite her only agreeing on what I had said.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom, real quick. Bye," I said, whilst already walking away. Soon, that walk turned into a sprint to the bathroom.

'Why is he acting like this? I thought that we were friends, close friends even! First, he completely ignored my condition after  my fight with Katsu and now, he's ignoring me again! Did I do something wrong? Maybe it's because I missed his fight with Katsu? Gosh, I'm being such a baby about all of this, I know that I'm being stupid but I can't help it! My dumb brain won't shut down and it keeps taking the tiniest of things and escalating them into huge problems that are non-existent! I just want to turn it off along with the stress and anxiety but I can't... Actually, maybe I can shut it off...

After a little bit more time for thinking, I had finalised my decision and planned what I was going to do after school today. Was it legal? Probably not. Was it healthy in any way? Nope. But was it going to help? Heck yeah. Then, the bell rang, signalling that it was time to go to our next classes.

--- Time Skip ---

On my way home from school, I took a little trip to an alleyway where I had seen tons of shady people before that were bound to know where to get good fake IDs. Admittedly, I was a little excited for this considering that I had never done anything truly illegal until now but when I turned the corner to the alley, I saw a man with black hair, a big black coat and scars all over him. It looked like he was burning something but when I heard multiple muffled screams, I realised that he was burning people. Quickly, I realised that there was nothing I could do to save them considering that they were already burnt beyond recognition; however, the situation that I had found myself witnessing strangely didn't bother me as much as I thought it would.

Instead, I simply leaned against a wall and watched, waiting to get a good look at the guy's face. When he turned around, he jumped a little and asked, "Aren't you one of the brats from UA? How much did you see?"

"I guess you could say that but I definitely don't act heroic. I saw a lot but to be honest, I kinda enjoyed watching the flames but I'm pretty sure you burnt some of the guys that I was looking for. Oh well," I smirked, putting on my sociopathic façade.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"If you're with the league of villains then you'll probably be seeing me again at some point. Goodbye Mr Funeral Director."

Then, I walked around the corner and used my quirk to jump on top of a roof. I sat and watched as the man went to look for me.

"What the f***?" I heard him say, which I had to stifle a laugh at.

Eventually, he gave up and went on his way to wherever he was going. After cloud gazing for a bit on top of the roof, I decided to return to my apartment.

'I guess I'll have to find some other shady guys. Maybe I can get a fake ID on a sketchy website?'


I finally posted this chapter. Sorry that it's short, I was running out of ideas.

Hope you enjoyed it and that I'll see you in the next one !


Determined Hero (mha x suicidal fem reader) Book 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now