The End of the Sports Festival

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Yaoyorozu's POV 

When (n/n) came back to the bleachers, there was a certain energy around her that made her seem as though she was conflicted despite her straight face.

"Are you okay, (n/n)?" I asked.

"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about my next fight, why?"

"Oh I was just asking because you seemed quite tense."

"Sorry..." she mumbled.

"No, it's fine. Don't apologise!"

She simply nodded then glued her eyes to the ring where the next match was being held: Todoroki vs Iida. My sight lingered a little longer on her before going towards the ring. 'Her apologising unnecessarily is a bit out of character, perhaps it's a new unwelcome development? I should keep a closer eye on her.'

(Y/N)'s POV

I focused completely on Todo's match just to see if Todo would use his fire and he didn't which was something I suspected was going to happen. 'Looks like I'm gonna have to have a serious talk with him about this.'

"(Y/N). You should go down for your match now, " Yao-momo said kindly.

"Right. See you in a bit!" I replied, walking to my destination.

'I shouldn't hold back too much, he'll notice and get mad at me. I'll only hold back a little bit.'

PM was talking the most useless trash known to man so I only really paid attention to the key word, 'BEGIN'.

The second he said that, Katsu darted towards me using explosions, keeping a straight face. I smirked a little and dodged him at the last moment so that he had no time to change directions but of course, he found a way out of it by only using explosions with 1 hand so that his whole body swerved. For a few minutes, I let him be on the offensive and then...

"WHY WON'T YOU FIGHT BACK?!" Katsu yelled.

I smirked and said, "So that you could tire yourself out, duh."

"Well, it didn't work."

"I know. I guess there's no point in continuing that then."

I launched myself at him with increased speed and kicked his stomach hard but not too hard. In the split second that he was recovering, I pinned him down with 1 of my legs holding down his legs and my arms pinning his arms to the ground.

"Happy?" I grinned.

"Not until I win," he smirked back.

It took a total of three seconds for me to process what that meant. 

In the first second, my grin changed into a look of confusion. 

The second one was spent just staring blankly, waiting for the gears in my head to turn.

Then, the third second when I realised my mistake of leaving his hands unbound.

"Oh s-"

I didn't even get time to finish what I was saying before he flipped over 1 of his hands and created a massive explosion, blowing me off of him. Smoke filled my lungs as I tried to stand up again; luckily and unluckily, I wasn't out of the ring.

I leapt into the air in an attempt to get the drop on him (literally) but he used his explosions to propel himself into the air with me. He grabbed onto my shirt with 1 hand and created a massive explosion with his palm facing the sky, causing us to fly back down with me as a human cushion. (Author: Like he did when he and Midoriya fought their second fight.) The impact knocked me out so he won..... good.

Todoroki's POV

'D**n. That was brutal, Bakugo. I thought they were dating?'

After that fight, I got up from the bleachers and went to my waiting room so that I could prepare for my final duel. At some point, I found myself having an internal battle with myself about whether or not I should use my left side in my fight with Bakugo or if I should use it at all but that was disrupted by the explosive boy himself.

"Huh?! What are you doing here?! This is- crap, this is waiting room number 2!" he yelled. I simply glanced at him then went back to glaring at my left hand.

He started to rant about how I should give my all during our fight and use my fire and other things of that topic which I couldn't care less about.

Eventually, he left but then (N/N) came in with a bandage around her head and a stern expression. 'Oh gosh, what's she gonna say?'

"Why?" she asked.

"Why what?" I replied, genuinely confused.

"Why do you not use your fire?"

"It reminds me of my old man and I want nothing to do with that scumbag!"

"You need to accept the past and that part of yourself. People are always gonna hurt you and try to drag you down but if you let what they say affect you then you've just let them win. Accept every part of yourself and move on. Become better than he was and is."

I took a moment to process this and then stood up.

As much as I know that she had a good intention with her little speech, I couldn't bring myself to actually care: too many people today have preached this same message over and over again to the point where it's becoming annoying. I understand that most of them are either not ill intended but it's all just too much for me right now, there's simply too much on my mind that I'm struggling to handle and too much at stake.

"My match is about to start. I'll see you later." I sighed. She nodded and then I left.

(Y/N)'s POV

'Hopefully, he listens to my advice but it's a little upsetting that he didn't even ask about my condition. Does he not care? I thought he'd be less cold towards me. Maybe not. He was a lot more responsive with Izu but maybe that was just because of the adrenaline? Or maybe this is just wishful thinking and he doesn't actually care for me or what I have to say? Or maybe I'm overthing this and I'm just making this all about myself because I'm selfish and stupid? It's probably the last one. Gosh I'm so f***ing pathetic...'

I felt a tear stream down my face and then another and another, until I was sobbing pitifully on the floor. Eventually, I got up and wiped away my tears. After cleaning myself up a bit,  I went back to the bleachers, only to find that the match had already ended.

"Where were you (Y/N)?!" Yao-momo asked, clearly super worried. 

I gave her one of my best fake smiles and said, "I was in the toilets, sorry."

"It's fine, you don't need to apologise."

"Sorry..." I mumbled. She sighed as I sat down next to her.

Yaoyorozu's POV 

'Why is she lying to me? I checked the toilets and she wasn't there. I'm so scared that she's done something that she'll regret.'

"What's wrong Yao-momo? Was it something I said?" (Y/N) asked. 'Why is she so quick to blame herself?'

"No, it's not you! I just feel bad for Todoroki since he lost," I lied.

"Oh, I see."

(Y/N)'s POV

The award ceremony felt really short since I was mainly just lost in my thoughts but it was finally over. I wonder what awaits us next...



I'm so sorry that I took a break without telling u all first! I'm back now and will try to post more frequently!

I hope you enjoyed that! Sorry if it was crappy!

Also, I'm gonna stop quoting what the characters actually say cause that means that I can post quicker. Sorry.

The story is gonna get darker from here so just a warning for next chapter.


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