Chapter Seven - Confused

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(Summer, 839 Wall Rose, scout headquarters.)


I hear my name out aloud, causing me to hastily search for the familiar voice. My eyes wander everywhere; left, right, everywhere, yet I'm unable to find Hanji.

"Up here!" Suddenly, as if a bird, they fly down from above the building, as I panicked in place. But what ever they were so excited about completely blocked out the idea of being cautious, for while falling down she piled right down onto me. The fruits in my hands tumbled onto the ground, along with a few personal belongings.

"Hanji!" I yell, feeling their weight on my back and bottom. But instead of acknowledging my anger, they flip my shoulders to face them completely.

"You won't believe it," she says, as my shoulders up and down at her hold. "I got... I got.."

"Spit it out!!" My hand softly slaps her face, knocking her out of her stare session with my eyes.

Upon this, Hanji stands up quickly, fixing their jacket and glasses. Their hand shoots out at me to show a few papers, which looked too familiar to the ones you'd sign to join scouts. Except it was a bit thicker and detailed, as if classified as more important.

"What's this about?" I mumble, furrowing my brows while reading the letters. Then I reach letters I'd never thought I'd be able to read.

One of us did it!

"HANJI!" I look up to see them and their watery eyes, as they basically scream internally. "YOU'RE A SQUAD LEADER?!"

"YES!" They reply. And just then the weight of her makes me once again colapse to the floor. But still, I held them in my arms tighter than ever before. "It's all because of us, Y/n! I know it's not too much.. but, it means so much to me!"

I nod briefly at this, resting my head back onto the pavement beneath the two of us. "You did it, Hanji."

Maybe Hanji was simply too excited, or that's what I had thought of in the moment, but right then I felt the warmth of her lips almost grazing mine, which sent me flying up

"W-woah," I say, closest to her as I'd been in so long. "What's this about?"

"I- I'm just a bit excited is all. S-sorry." The blush on her cheeks appeared rapidly. "We'd done it before, I just thought it was okay."

What she spoke was all truth. Once when we were around sixteen we'd kissed each other for our first times, both agreeing we wouldn't want to try it with anyone else. Little did I know that they were still holding on to that.

And now the two of us were currently sitting in the most suspicious form, inches away from each other's faces. Sure, sharing intimate moment with her was weird to think about, but a part of me wanted to share that moment with her again.

So with that, I simply lean closer as I wait a few seconds for her to back away, or maybe go in first. "Well are you gonna do it?" I whisper to them while feeling chills run up my spine.

Nonetheless, Hanji does so, pushing her lips against mine. They felt soft and plump while they fold between my mouth.

But I felt a soft graze against my tongue, which I assumed was her own, and her hands sliding down my thighs. And every now and then she'd groan in a low tone, or feel my torso. This moment we shared was definitely more intimate than before, making me wonder what other firsts I wanted to spend on Hanji.

As if on que, the both of us stop our actions at the sound of someone walking towards us behind the building. Hanji and I fill with panic, quickly pulling away from each other. The chance of someone catching us was small, since we'd been behind the trash where no one would find us unless they were peeking over.

But of course that someone was Moblit out of all people, the boy I'd been crushing on for a while now. "Uhm, hey guys." He said in a worried tone, as Hanji and I take glances as each other.

"I was just.. I was just telling Y/n the news, Moblit!" She says, the both us of standing up straight. "How I'm a squad leader now!"

Moblits eyes grow wide at this. "Wow, really?! Which squad?" He asks, which is soon answered when Hanji holds up four fingers with a wide grin on her face. It seemed her excitement was spreading throughout the entire street.

"And guess what.. you and y/n are on my squad! As well is Nifa and Keiji! There's a couple other people I'm not too familiar with.. but this is so exciting!" Hanji pulls Moblit and I together by the neck, giving us two big hugs.

He and I stare each other for an awkward second, taking in all of the information at once. Although I felt quite bad for him; seeing the girl you like kiss her best friends must be very confusing, especially since Hanji and I we're so close.

"Well, I'm off folks! I've gotta turn this paper into Keith." With that, Hanji skips away, leaving Moblit and I alone together. How hard I was hoping he couldn't hear my heartbeat out loud.

Then, I see him turn to me, raising his brows a bit. " and Hanji?"

"N-no!" I immediately yell out, as my cheeks feel hot. "I..I'm sorry. It wasn't purposeful or anything.. listen, I-"

"It's okay if you're.. experimenting," He says, slightly cringing. "Uhm, anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that you aren't committed to me, so you're allowed to do what you want. As long as we're not together, it wouldn't be like cheating."

"I..I like you, I think you know that. But I also love Hanji, and I'm not sure in what way yet. I haven't been sure since I was little. Listen, if you don't mind, would you wait for me?" I ask, as I place my hands onto his stiff shoulders. "N-not for long. Well, I don't know."

"S-sure!" The corners of his mouth raise, giving me a soft smile while his eyes creased. "But you know, not for the rest of my life."

I chuckle at his words, making him blush a bit. "Alright then, Moblit. We have a Squad Leader to assist."

I feel as if that day was yesterday, Hanji. The day you kissed me so passionately that it felt like the first time all over again. But that was also when I fell in love with Moblit. Oh, how dearly I wish that I could go back to that day, the day that feels like yesterday, and feel your lips again. But I guess I did, it just took only a couple of years.


Ah ah yes i know this isn't a MoblitxReader but there's a reason I'm putting anything into this fanfiction. Anyway, please give me feedback on this chapter!! I've been trying to up my writing skills so it's more enjoyable to read. Thanks!

- sugawarasbeautymark

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