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General POV:

"Oracle of the all knowing speak and be recognized." Garcia belted through the phone speaker.

"Garcia I have a name and a description of the woman who might've killed JJ's mom." Spencer spoke.

"S-So Emily is innocent?" Garcia asked.

The line was dull and silent, Spencer not knowing how to respond to the question.

"Right I'll call you with what I come up with." Garcia said before ending the call.

As Spencer was walking back to the other BAU men standing outside of the interrogation window the familiar click clack of a certain liaisons heels filled the hall.

"JJ you aren't supposed to be-"

"I need to see her Aaron." She barked.

"I can't allow you to." He said back.

"Why not? I'm a bureau agent to so I have just as much right to talk to her as I want." She retorted.

"But you are always her wife JJ." He replied.

"Not right now, right now I am Jennifer Jareau communication liaison for the FBI. Have a problem with me talking to her now?" She snapped.

He let out a sigh rubbing his temples before moving out of her way from the door.

"Watch her make sure she doesn't kill Prentiss, I'm going to go make sure Strauss doesn't get anywhere near this." Hotch said walking away.

JJ walked into the tight room to which Emily's eyes visibly grew wider. She swallowed thickly at the scary image of a frustrated Jennifer.

"So Emily was it?" JJ asked looking through a case file. Doing the one thing Emily hated. Treating her like a suspect.


"I'm sorry but only my friends get to call me that." Her eyes snapped from the file to Emily's chocolate brown ones.

Emily didn't see a hint of sympathy or care in those eyes whatsoever, all she saw was cold raw hatred.

"If what you say is true and you didn't kill..Susan Jareau, then why was your DNA found on the body?" JJ pressured.


"IT'S AGENT JAREAU!"JJ hollered slamming her hands against the metal table startling Emily.

"Fine," Emily began as tears formed in her eyes, "Agent Jareau, I was rather wasted that night I got in a fight with my girlfriend and who knows I could've thrown up anywhere around there or like I said I could've been roofied." Emily said playing into the suspect role.

"I see. So you said to went to a bar after a fight with your wife-"

"No, no I said girlfriend." Emily replied staring JJ dead on.

"Well you are married aren't you, unless that ring on your finger is some sort of lesbian thing?" JJ said snuggly.

"Oh this? It's old." Emily said slipping the ring off of her finger.

The couple knew what they were doing, trying to get the other to break.

"This has to be the most toxic thing I've ever seen," Rossi began. "And that's coming from me I was married 3 times." He finished.

"Yea this isn't going to end too well." Derek spoke.

"So then tell me, were you ever married, because I'm having a hard time figuring out why you're wearing a wedding ring that looks pretty new to me." JJ spat.

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