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Emilys pov

As JJ and I walked out of the BAU we headed to my black fbi SUV, I drove to my apartment where me and JJ were gonna chill.

The car ride was fairly silent and a little awkward, until I told JJ one of my biggest secrets. "Hey Jayje can I tell you something, but can you promise me it won't change our friendship?" I asked nervously. "Of course Em you can tell me anything." She immediately replied. "I'm gay.." I blurted out.

"Oh...." JJ said at a loss of words. "I'm sorry I'll drop you off at your house if you don't wanna hang out with me anymore." I said disappointed. "What no of course not this doesn't change anything you're still my best friend, and it doesn't affect how we act towards each other got it!" She said sternly. "Yea of course." I said the rest of the ride being silent.

We then pulled up to my apartment I hopped out of the car, JJ not to far behind me.

I gave JJ a quick look around. "It's not much but it's home." I said with a chuckle. "I don't know it just gives me 'Agent Emily Prentiss lives here vibes'." JJ said laughing, I let out a little chuckle too.
"So what movie do you wanna watch Jayje?" I asked "Umm I don't know surprise me I'll get the alcohol!" JJ said heading to the kitchen.

I flicked thru Netflix and decided to put on Grey's Anatomy. "Is this ok Jayje?" I asked. "Yea of course anything's good with me. Now do we want tequila or wine?" She asked. "Definitely tequila!" I said laughing. "Tequila it is!" JJ giggles

"Come sit next to me." I said patting an open spot on my bed. JJ came and flopped on the bed next to me handing me the tequila bottle, I took a big gulp handing the bottle back to JJ.
I wasn't even paying attention to the show I couldn't keep my eyes off her, her beautiful blonde hair, sparkling ocean blue eyes, and her amazing smile.

"OH SHIT!" JJ said to herself. "What is it?" I looked at her questionably. "I don't have a car how am i gonna get home we are both to drunk to drive." She said slurring some of her words. "Just stay the night" I said turning to the blonde. "But i have no clothes here!" The blonde protested.
"Wow now it sounds like you're trying to make excuses to not stay with me!" Emily say in a fake offended voice softly nudging JJ. "You can wear some of my clothes." I said chuckling. "Thanks Em...sorry about snapping at you back at the office by the way." The blonde said kindly

"No worries." I said back. "But Jayje....can we talk about you know what happened on the jet?" I asked nervously. "What do you mean?" JJ asked furrowing her brows together.

"About the....'Mmm Emily' I heard come out of you while you were sleeping." I said blushing, I'm pretty sure JJ could see me blushing to cause she started to. "Oh yeah umm let me change real quick then we can." She said. "Ok yeah totally!" I said smiling at the blonde.

She didn't even hesitate to grab clothes and change in front of me I couldn't help but stare at JJ's perfectly toned body, she put on a lose t-shirt and sweats and came and sat on the bed next to me.
"You know what I think I'm gonna go take a shower." I said rushing to the bathroom to avoid confrontation about what happened on then plane. "Oh ok." JJ said her tone changing. "Oh by the way i have a spare tooth brush, if you wanna brush your teeth. The bathroom door will be unlocked, so just come in if you want to." I said to the beautiful blonde before rushing away.

JJ's pov

Emily ran to the bathroom and a couple seconds later I could hear the water from the shower running. I decided to go brush my teeth to get the taste of alcohol out of my mouth. I was still a little drunken but not as much as Emily was.

I walked into the bathroom and told Em I was brushing my teeth, but then some feeling came over me I don't know what it was but something in my brain told me to do it, I started to take my clothes off and then I turned i was hesitant at first but then I jumped in the shower with Em.

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