First day

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JJ's pov:

I haven't talked to my mother or Will since the incident at the airport, I've been staying with Emily since she came back. I hated not being there for Henry because I knew Will was probably drunk off his ass, but I just couldn't be around Will.

I was staying in the guest room of Emily's apartment as to not impose on her too much, but I couldn't sleep tonight. Every time I closed my eyes memories of Will raping me came flooding back like a bad storm.
I got up from the bed and walked to Emily's room.

"Come in." I heard.

"Hey...umm I was wondering if I could sleep in here with you tonight...but if not I'll just go back to my room it's fine." I said starting to rethink things and go back to my room.

"Of course you can Jayje get in here!" Emily said patting the bed.

I walked in and sat on the edge of the bed. I had slept in the same room with Emily during cases on countless amounts of time, but being in a room with Emily now felt...different. I was nervous to say the least.

"Everything ok?" Emily asked after a short amount of time.

"Yea everything's good..I just didn't wanna be alone." I said lying. I hated lying to Emily cause she always knew I was lying.

"Jayje c'mon what's up? You just had a huge argument with your ex mother and Will wherever he stands, and you had to keep your composure while you talked about Will raping you and how your own mother was going to allow him to do it again to remind which you gender you like. So no everything is not good I want you to talk to me and not close me off because it's going to eat at you til you break and...being honest I can't lose you again." I heard her voice crack on the last sentence.

"I hate it when you profile me you know that right." I said poking her in her stomach playfully.

"I guess even though I hate my mo- Susan, I can't help but feeling bad for her I mean she lost Ros and then me. It was her own fault though she practically pushed me away, and as for where Will stands with me yea I'm sending divorce papers to him during work. Hopefully I can get full custody of Henry." I said sighing.

Emily didn't say anything she just snaked her arms around me and pulled me into a tight loving hug. This is honestly when I feel the most safe and at home in Emily's arms.

The next morning

Emily's pov:

I woke up, and felt the bed around me I was met with a cold spot instead of Jennifer. I rushed up from the bed and started down the stairs. She was at the stove making us breakfast, I sighed in relief.

"Morning baby!" She said from the stove.

"What?" I asked blushing.

"Oh I- sorry I just..." she was stuttering on her words which was adorable.

"No no no I like it." I said coming and hugging her from behind.

We stayed like that as she was cooking casually swaying back and forth. I started to place gentle kisses along her neck and shoulders.

"Mmm that feels good." She said while she cooked our eggs.

What she didn't know was I was placing hickeys all over the back of her neck where she couldn't see.
She finally finished our breakfast and we sat down to eat it. Today was my first day back at the BAU along with Elle.

We finished breakfast and got up to go get ready.

"You know I think you should wear your hair up in a pony tail today." I said smirking.

"Why?" JJ said a suspicious look upon her face.

"Cause when you do it's hot. You're hot." I said kissing her cheek.

"Okay but only for you baby!" She said as she went to the closet to pick out her outfit.

"Can we pick out outfits for each other today pleaseee!" I said using my puppy dog eyes.

"I suppose." JJ breathed out giggling.

For JJ I picked out a light blue tank top and tight black pencil skirt, and for me she picked out my red tank top (of course her and looking at my boobs) and some cargo pants and army boots.

"I love it when you wear this!" She said hanging me my outfit.

"And you're going to look drop dead gorgeous in this." I said hanging her hers.

We finished getting ready and then left my apartment to go to the office. God I just love first day backs.

JJ's pov:

We finally arrived at the BAU and made sure we were all situated before entering. We got on the elevator and went up to the 6th floor.
Emily looked like she was about to burst out laughing the entire ride up. I shrugged it off and got off the elevator to start my day.

We were greeted by an always cheerful Ms. Penelope Garcia with hugs and hellos.

"Okay Pen as much as I would love to stay here and hug all day I have case files that need my attention." I said Emily was already seated at her desk when I went to turn to my office.

"Oh my god Jayje!" Penelope said dying of laughter.

"What?! What's so funny?" I looked over at Em who tried to stop herself from laughing while looking at a file.

"You have a couple of love bites on the back of your neck." She said smirking.

"EMILY PRENTISS!" I playfully yelled at the blonde.

"What'd I do?" She said innocently.

"You should wear your hair in a ponytail today it makes you look hot also here's this tank top!" I said trying to act mad.

"In all honesty you do look hot! Especially when you're mad. Even better when you're mad at me." She said smirking.

"Get a room!" I heard Morgan butt in.

I took my hair down from my ponytail to try and cover the hickeys Emily left which caused her to pout.

"Hey has anyone seen Elle or pretty boy?" Derek asked looking around the office.

"No but I'll go look." Emily said getting up from her desk and knocking over her coffee.

"Dammit! Derek can you grab me the mop from the supply closet?" I asked trying to clean the coffee up.

"Yea sure thing Prentiss." He said walking over to the supply closet.

He opened the door and I heard two screams. I quickly ran toward his direction, what I saw made me die of laughter. Spencer and Elle were in there making out like teenagers hiding from their parents.

"Ughh not my mop!" I said playfully.

We all walked back into the bullpen, and I continued to clean the coffee. As I finished I got a text from someone.


Hey Em can you Umm.... come help me with some case files in my office...I'll be waiting😉! Xoxo Jennifer.


She's gonna be the death of me!

A/N: hey guys lmao y'all are probably tired of me and my weird ass updating times but yk i never have a schedule it's just whenever i feel like writing i must write!! What should happen next chapter should we have Emily help jj with her "case files"👀? Should Seaver pop up??? Tell me what you think should happen next chapter I LOVE YOU ALL THANK YOU FOR 4.42k READSSS DONT FORGET TO VOTE!!!
Also i added a little Relle moment in there😜

word count: 1,269

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