The truth

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"JJ wake up." Derek said patting my shoulder.

"NO EMILY!" I said crying as I woke up.

"What calm down Emily's fine she just got out of surgery she's asking for you." The y'all muscular man said.

"What the doctor just came in her and she-she said Emily died on the table.." I said looking around in confusion.

"No you feel asleep while we were waiting to hear from the doctors Emily is fine she had a couple broken ribs cuts and a twisted ankle but she'll be fine." Morgan said reassuringly.

"Re-Really she's okay? My baby's alright?" I asked immediately standing to my feet to go find her.

"Yes yes she is and she's asking for you." He said

I ran through the halls looking for her room number and when I found it I immediately ran in, and saw Emily lying in the bed. Even with bruises and cuts all over her face she still looked beautiful. I thought to myself. I sat by her never wanting to leave her side again, even though Rossi told me it wasn't my fault I didn't believe it I should've been with Emily.

Emily's pov

I started to wake up to a horrible pain.

"JJ......?" I asked looking around the room and seeing the beautiful blonde starring back at me along with Morgan. "Yea baby I'm right here!" She said trying to fight back tears.

"What happened?"

"The unsub kidnapped you and hurt you and it's my fault..." The younger agent said now avoiding meeting my eyes.

"No....none of this is your fault it's no ones fault ok.." I said grabbing her hand. "Ok I just....I love you so much Emily I couldn't lose you!" She said gently going in for a hug.

The one thing about JJ she was always so gentle even through everything she's been through. As she leaned in for a hug in which using all my strength to return she gently placed a kiss on my forehead.

"When do the doctors say I'm clear to leave and go back to work?" I asked

"I don't know I'll go ask." Morgan said now leaving me and JJ alone.

"Oh man!" I said out loud not realizing it.

"What's wrong?" JJ asked concerned grabbing my hand even tighter.

"I probably have to wait a couple days or worse weeks before I can fuck you again!" I said with a fake pouty face.

"Emily Prentiss!" JJ said trying to stifle a laugh but not doing a very good job at it.

We laughed at the comment for a little bit until Morgan came back with the doctors.

"Hi I'm doctor Crowley." The doctor said shaking hands with JJ. "Is this your sister?" She asked looking at me then JJ.

"Oh no no no umm she's actually my girlfriend." JJ said with a huge smile plastered across her face.

Girlfriend. Those words escaping JJ's gorgeous mouth sounded so right, especially since I was the lucky girl she was referring to.

"Well we want to keep you another day under observations but tomorrow you should be good to go home. Just come back in at most 4 days and we can see if you're clear to go back to work." The doctor said before leaving the room.

" should go home to get some sleep." I said looking at JJ.

"NO.....I'm staying right here with you I'm not leaving no matter what you tell me!" JJ said sitting down in a chair next to my bed.

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