Chapter 30

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Roxys POV

"Are you kidding." I growl into someones hands. "Shhh little wolf, let the adults handle this." It was Peter.

"Why?" I ask facing him and his eyes glow blue. "You killed." I say getting distracted and he nods. "Why do I have to let them handle it. Why cant I help?" I ask and he sighs.

"Because your an emotional wreck, you'll end up losing control because your anchors gone. Youll kill someone." Peter explains. No matter how much I hate him, it makes sense.

We watch as Jackson begins to fight with everyone, then Allison appears and slices up Issac. "Let me go." I cry and Peter keeps his hold on me.

"Little weak for another beta eh." Peter says and I groan. Gerard then walks out infront of everyone.

"What the?" I whisper and as he moves closer. Scott grabs Derek and pulls him towards Gerard. "Scott what are you doing?!" I yell grabbing almost everyones attention.

Peter huffs and lets go of me. Letting me run over to Issac whos struggling to breathe. "Allison you are so fucking lucky your pinned by Jackson right now." I growl at her.

Scott forces Derek to bite down on Gerards arm and I push Issac up against a wall. "Hey, your okay, your healing." I whisper and he smiles. "Kisses heal too." He whispers back.

I press a kiss to his cheek and a small smile stays on his face. "Kill them all!" Gerard yells. Jackson lets go off Allison and starts fighting people until a familiar blue jeep drives in.

"Is that?" I whisper and my brother gets out of the jeep. I start bouncing towards him "Did I get him?" He asks and I jump on him.

I wrap my whole body around heres and I hear little chuckles leave his mouth. "Where were you? Who did this? Why didnt anyone tell me you were safe?" I say getting off of him and he wraps me in a hug.

"I was in a basement, the Argents basement. Gerard took me there. Gerard did this and because Scott didnt know till like 30 minutes ago." He whispers to me. I grip his shirt and I feel tears start to fall.

"If you go missing again its going to be worse then this." I say as he groans at me. I snort and he pulls away. "I will never leave you on purpose, okay." He says and I nod.

"Your my little sister and my best friend." He says wiping my tears and I sniff. Then my mind flicker back to what he says.

Gerard did this.

"Wheres that old bastard." I growl as I see Lydia and Jackson hugging. "He couldnt have gone far." Chris says. "Your alright with me killing your grandad right?" I ask Allison.

Stiles hand had stayed attached to mine so I couldnt go anywhere anyway. Derek and Peter then stab Jackson with their claws.

Lydia steps back and I turn my head to see Issac standing up. So much was going on. I pull my hand out of Stiles and walk over to the injured werewolf.

"Youve healed right?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Not fully, not yet." He says and I nod helping him stand.

"I got ya okay." I whisper and he looks down at me. "I love you." He whispers and my eyes widen. He loves me.

He loves me.

"I love you too." I whisper back and he leans down and kisses my forehead. "Althought this is very cute, Jackson is now a werewolf and everyones left." I hear Stiles say and only see Derek, Peter and Scott with him.

Issac begins to stand on his own and I let him go. "Your beta and mine, how sweet." Peter says. I roll my eyes and Stiles cringes.

"Hey, what if you and Lydia get together, you cant cringe then." I say hitting my twins chest. It was like he had never been gone.

"Dont stay up too late doing your werewolf sex." He groans and I smack him upside the head.

"Just cause your a virgin, come on." I say and he flips me off. "Just hurry up, were going home." He says getting in the jeep.

I turn to Derek and Peter. "Make sure this ones safe." I say patting Issacs back. He snorts and Derek nods. "Always do." He says. I nod and get into the jeep.

Stiles and Scott begin to explain everything to each other when I sit in the back. Listening in of course. We drop Scott off and I get in the passenger seat.

"Is dad at the station?" I ask and Stiles shrugs. "He was fired still last time I checked." He says and I frown.

"Lets get pizza to cheer him up, and if he is sheriff again then its just pizza." I say and Stiles chuckles.

After getting the pizza we reach the house and walk in to see dad watching tv. "We got dinner." Stiles yells and dad looks up. "Here ya go." I say handing him a box.

I then grab mine off Stiles and sit down. As the men of the house start to discuss things I pay attention to eating.

"Isnt that right Rox?" Dad says  and I hum. "Yeah she was snuggled in your duvet for a while, until I heard that Issac boy try and get her to look for you." Dad explains.

"So thats why my bed was a mess thanks." Stiles says and I flip him off. My phone then beeps and I take it out.

We gotta problem

Well shit

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