Chapter 10

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Roxys POV

"HE DID WHAT?!" I yell at Stiles and he nods. "He made out with Lydia after I asked him to see if she liked me." Stiles explains.

"Why didnt you just ask me? Im a friend of hers." I say and Stiles chuckles. "Im stupid." He says. "No you're not." I say and he smiles down at me.

"How are you not spazzing out? Its a full moon." Stiles says after a little while of silence. Stiles stops the jeep and takes out the bag as we walk into McCalls house.

"Hi Melissa." I say and hug her. She smiles at me. "Hello my favourite twins." She says and I smile at her and then Stiles. I walk up the stairs while Stiles talks to Melissa.

The front door shuts and Stiles walks up the stairs. "You asked hoe im not spazzing." I say and he nods. "Its because although this is my second day of being a werewolf. I have an anchor, this anchor has also stopped me from hurting myself." I say and Stiles nods.

"So youve basically had this anchor your whole life." He says and I nod. "Its you." I say and he smiles. "Youd be mine too." He says giving me a side hug.

After tying Scott up and Stiles getting his revenge for Lydia. Me and my twin sat outside the room listening to Scotts pleads.

"If he doesnt shut up im going to slit his throat." I say and Stiles snorts. "Maybe dont." He says and I smile.

We both hear a loud thud and open the door. "Well shit." Stiles says and I run down the stairs and start following his scent leaving Stiles alone.

When I get to him hes on Allisons roof. Hes with Allison. I message Stiles and he texts back an okay.

I walk away from their house and after a long walk I find myself at the graveyard. "Izzy!" I yell and Issac appears out of a digger.

"Hey Rox." He says and I bring him into a hug. "Oh okay, you alright you lunatic." He says and I snort. "Yeah just thought id come see you." I say and he smiles.

He gets back in the digger and continues to dig a grave. "You know you could fall in that?" I say and he nods.

"Be careful." I say and he is. I start to walk around the graveyard till I find a gravestone which I hadnt been to in a while.

Claudia Stillinski

"Hey mum." I say and sit infront of her tomb. I run my hand along the name and look at the now dead flowers.

"Hope its treating you well, wherever you are." I whisper and Issac comes up behind me with some alive flowers. I take them and place them on her grave.

"I love you." I whisper and kiss my fingers before touching the tomb again. I stand up and Issac pulls me away from her grave and we sit on a bench close by.

"My brother and mum arent buried here." Issac says and I frown. "If you ever wanna talk to your mum just sit by mine." I say and he smiles. "Im sure she'll pass the message along." I say and he nods.

I lean my head on his shoulder and just look up at the stars and the moon.

The full moon.

I smile and think of when me and Stiles poured ice cream over each other. I turn to Issac and the blondie is just looking at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask and he smiles before pushing a hair behind my ear.

"Because your beautiful." He whispers before leaning in and kissing my cheek. "T-thanks." I say kind of shocked and Issac nods.

His face then reddens. "Sorry I was just trying to be a nice friend, I see Erica and Scott kiss your cheek or forehead all the time. I just wanted to make you feel like I wanted you around." He starts to ramble and I smile at him.

"If you didnt want me around you wouldnt have given me a flower for my mum." I state and he lets out a breath and a nod.

My phone starts to ring and I see that its Derek. "Oh, Issac I have to go. Im sorry." I say and he nods. I squeeze his hand before leaving and I run off over to the Hale house.

Scott was there beating on Derek, blaming him for the bite. "Scott!" I yell and he doesnt listen. "Scott!" I yell again, a little bit louder. I breath in before shifting.

"Scott!" I growl loudly and the boy stops and turns to me getting off of Derek. I stop shifting and go back to being human.

I was really in control.

I swing a punch at Scott which knocks him out and shifts him back to being human.

"What the hell did you just do?" Derek asks. "I growled his name?" I ask snd Derek grins. "First full moon, second day as werewolf. Im proud of you Roxy." He says and I smile.

"Wonder what you'll be like in weeks time?" He asks and I shrug with a smile. "You'll be a strong wolf." He says patting my back.

"Now go home." He says and I do so. I get into the house and Stiles is asleep on the sofa. I walk up to him.

"Hey." I say shaking him and he looks at me before wrapping me in a hug. "I was fine, stayed in control. I stopped Scott from beating Derek up." I explain as I hug him back.

"Im proud of you for staying in control." He says and I grin in his hold.

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