Chapter 48

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Roxys POV

After Issac and Allison explaining everything to me about what had happened. I sigh and every wolf looks at me.

"Its Stiles." I say and look up to see pity in their eyes. "You guys reek of pity, please dont." I say and Issac sits beside me and grabs my hand.

"How do you know?" He asks. "The Nogistune spoke to me last night-" my phone goes off and I answer it. "Stiles is about to have his MRI." It was dad and he hung up immediately.

"Scott." I say and run out of Dereks loft. The alpha following me we run into the scan room.

"Whos that?" The doctor asks. "Best friend and twin sister." I hear dad reply and Scott hugs my brother tightly.

Scott then leaves and im alone with him. "Im gonna be okay." He says and I shake my head as the tears fall. "Hey big girls dont cry." Stiles says wiping my face.

"Yes they do, and im proof, its all ive been doing." I cry and Stiles sighs looking at me. "I cant lose you like I lost mum, please." I say and I sob into his chest.

"I cant do anything about it, ive got it now." He says and I glow my eyes. "Ill never do that." He whispers and my lip quivers. "Can you heal him?" I ask and Stiles eyes go black. "I will, after the MRI." He whispers and Stiles eyes go back to normal.

"Go on, this has to happen and you cant hug me while it does." Stiles says and I chuckle. "Stay safe okay." I say and Stiles nods. "Always." He replies and I leave the room and enter the one where you can see the scan.

"Hes gonna be okay." I whisper and the parents look at me. "Hes gonna be okay." I repeat and start pacing. I wipe my eyes and sigh.

"Come on Doc, lets see whats happening?" I say looking at the screen. He starts it up and then explains what were seeing.

I sigh and leave the room. My heart tugs and I hit the door. Melissa opens it. "Its Stiles." I say and she nods. It always happened when the Nogistune takes over his body.

"Twin thing." She says to the doctor. After an hour the pain didnt stop. It wasnt bad it was just like, an itch that you couldnt itch and after a while it starts hurting.

"Youll be with me okay." Dad says and I nod. So as for the rest of the dad, I was with dad in the station.

"Is she okay?"

"Is she crying."

"Should we help?"

All the things I could hear from the officers. I wrap Stiles jacket around me tighter and breath in his scent.

"Can you help?" Dad asks and I tilt my head. "The hospital has a burst electrical line." He says and I shake my head. That is until Derek runs in. "Issac." He says and my eyes widen.

"Fucking boys." I growl and leave the office. I make my way to the hotel and spot my boyfriend in a room. "Hes okay, just severe burns." Melissa says and I groan.

"Your losing it Rox, dont lose it." Melissa says and I let out and howl, but it wasnt a howl of anger, it was pain. It was only minutes before the twins, Scott, Peter and Derek arrived.

I dig my claws into my head which Aiden pulls out. "Dont do that, just breath okay, everythings gonna be fine." He says and I growl at him. Scott growls back at him.

"I told you that shit dont work." I hiss at the alpha. "Why not." Scott asks. "Because shes still kind of an alpha, when she has her first pup her eyes will stay red." Ethan explains.

"But because the first one died, she got blue eyes." Derek finishes. "Roxy, listen to me okay." Aiden says and I face him. "Issacs gonns be fine, Stiles is gonna be fine, were gonna help them, both." He says and Lydia rushes in.

"I heard a howl and it didnt sound manly." She says and then gasps at the scene. "Roxy." She says walking closer and I growl at her. "Control it okay, your anchors are gone, be your own." She says and I take a breath.

"I cant, I cant. Not without Stiles. I need that fucking dumbass." I growl and tears fall down my face. I shift back and just start crying again.

"And now Issacs gone too, what am I gonna do." I whimper and Lydia sits beside me and rubs my hand. "You're going to survive and help us fight this thing." He says.

"But its my brother." I say and Lydia shrugs. "He promised to keep him out of harms way, and he promised to Stiles not to hurt me. If I hurt him then hes gonna be allowed to hurt me." I say and everyone looks at me.

"Thats all we spoke about." I say and they nod. I sigh and lean back and the pain from my heart slowly leaves.

"Hes not in control anymore, Stiles has his body back, go find him." I say and the boys nod running off while Lydia stays with me.

This was gonna be a long night.

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