" the core members of fairy tail that dissappeared 7 years ago "
" I'm not interested " he responded blankly , I chuckled slightly and turned my head toward him .
" oh come on , don't lie to me rogue , especially when you looked up to natsu-San that much "
He sighed " that was a long time ago.. "
Lucy's pov : Two weeks have passed since our return from tenrou Island , and two weeks have passed since y/n and kimi joined the guild .
Through out the country , rumors about our return and the recruitment of a new dragon slayer spread like wild fire .
As expected , sorcerer weekly rushed quickly to scoop in the details , they even wanted to interview y/n and kimi . But only to be ignored by y/n .
As if to make up for 7 years of lost time , everyone parties their heart out every single day .
Y/n seemed cold and ignorant at first , but bit by bit , she started to warm up to the others .
She still don't trust us fully . I guess that she's the type of person that have trust issues..
She can be really scary sometimes.
for a child , she's really powerful. Well , I'm glad that I'm on her good side and that we're good friends .
She's also part of team natsu , so we can go and do missions together .
She seems to trust Wendy and natsu a lot , even gajeel too. when you look at them , they look like siblings . Even when they argue and get beaten up by y/n .
But all that matters , that everyone is here , right next to me ..
" a tiger with sabers for teeth.. Sabertooth , get it ?" gray said .
" lamia and tenma even disregard them.. They are currently the strongest guild in fiore.." Romeo added .
" I've never heard of them " y/n said .
" yeah me too " gray sighed
" they weren't anything special 7 years ago " alzak confirmed .
" you're saying they grew suddenly over these last 7 years ? " y/n asked .
Max turned around in his chair to join the conversation " it started when their guild master recruited five very strange , but strong and very capable mages " he explained
" 5 poeple alone made that much of a difference ? " Lucy wondered
'they must be really strong then, I wonderwhat they are like ' y/n noted.
she was clearly disturbed by this guild , and she wanted to know more about these 5 wizards who seemed as strong as to raise a whole guild .
" ohh ? I like his style " natsu beamed while a smile made his way to his face .
Y/n looked at him and sweat dropped , he never knew the complication of the situation , does he ?
" so what rank does that leave our guild In now ? " wendy implied
" you really want to know ?! " happy stated with panick laced in his tone.
" you haven't heard yet ? " kimi added . Y/n looked at them puzzled .
"what are you-" she didn't get to finish her sentence when Romeo mumbled
" absolutely last place "
" a super tiny weak little guild " alzak continued
" the weakest guild in fiore " bisca finished
" aahhhh , I'm so sorry for asking (>_<) " Wendy whined slightly embarrassed , y/n patted her back to comfort her .
" KAHAHAHAHA " everyone's attention shifted to natsu " THAT SOUNDS GREAT !!!! HOW INTERESTING!! "
" wha..? " y/n trailed off tilting her head to the side , the older male looked at her and grinned .
" you get it , don't you ??? " the said girl shook her head , she didn't have a clue on what he was saying .
" I'm looking forward to the chance to try and climb our way higher ! How many opportunities like that do you get ?! I'm getting all fired up now ! " the salmon haired boy declared excitedly .
Y/n eyes lit up and you could see a bit of sparkle in her emotionless eyes .
" ah geez.. " gray murmured
" ahahaha.. " Lucy laughed nervously
" natsu is just the same as ever " Romeo grinned .
" yeah , I'm excited too ! " wendy beamed
" hey , have you seen guildarts ? " Cana questioned .
" what now ? Are you feeling lonely being away for a second from your daddy ? " gray mocked .
" jerk !! " Lucy cried out .
" oh , I'm sorry.. " he quickly apologized , Lucy just shooked it off with a smile .
" I think.. That he's with the master " y/n said quietly
" thanks kid !!! Well better go and do a job while he's not here !! Bye N/n ! " she said running towards the guild entrance carrying a big crate (?) of booze with her .
" kana's devotion towards guildarts is amazing right ? "
' what about your deviation towardsCarlaand kimi huh' lily mimicked .
" that's the most powerful strength of this guild " Carla smiled a bit .
Y/n listened from a corner to their conversation ' what a weird guild..' she thought .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Youpiiii !! Finally an update, It feels like I didn't write for an eternity ! Again , sorry for the delay . And sorry if this chapter is boring , this book is based on the Manga soooo... Also , my exams starts this week and I'm super stressed , hope it Will go well . And ya'll , I even finished Hunter x hunter ??! I feel so accomplished right now , it was very long but nice , the last episodes Made my heart sunk.. Anyways ! Im starting to watch the promised neverland , I'm so excited !! Thanks for reading ! Take care of yourselves and please wait patiently for the next chapter ! Ja ne ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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