[ please read the A/N below it's super and really important !! ]
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────» 2nd person pov : " what is supposed to be down here gajeel-san ? " Wendy interrogated the dragon slayer .
" shut up and follow me " you rolled your eyes at his tone but stayed quite nonetheless .
" why it is just us anyway ?! " natsu yelled in an annoyed tone .
" it must have to do with being a dragon slayer " kimi shrugged .
"...but even so..we've got rubber neckers.." Carla eyed the two figures who were standing right behind us .
" no rubber necks here " gray crossed his arms . The real reason he came was because of the h/c haired girl . Like hell he'll let you alone with two idiots .
you ignored their conversation and walked beside kimi . You sniffed the air and you caught a glimpse of a strong smell . Your eyes widened and you ran ahead of the group .
" huh ? Y/n wait ! " seeing you running at an alarming speed , gray immediately ran behind you with the rest of the group with him .
" why is she running all of a sudden ?! " happy exclaimed .
" perhaps she sensed it.." gajeel murmured .
You finally came to a halt , eyes still wide . You heard the others panting behind you and a few gasps .
" these are.."
" bones of some kind of a beast ? " Lucy furrowed her brows in confusion .
"...dragon bones.." you breathed out still shocked .
" a dragon graveyard " the pinkette stared at the mountains of bones in front of him .
" these are all..dragon bones ?! " happy gulped in fright .
" well , this place proves they existed " lily glances around the place , observing the numerous dragon bones .
" do you think that igneel can be one of.."
" happy ! " Carla quickly shut him up . He looks at his partner , who had a glare on his face " ack ! I'm sorry ! "
" naw , he ain't here " natsu confirmed his thoughts .
" it's been 14 years since our dragons vanished . It looks like these one were buried here much longer before them " you nodded at gajeel's statement .
" milkyway ! " Wendy suddenly exclaimed , making you all turn to her with a look of confusion .
" what was that Wendy ? " Lucy asked the girl .
" milkyway , one of the ultimate techniques that porlyusica-san taught me . It calls upon the voices of dragon souls as they flow with the heavenly river . Up till now , I thought for sure that It was an attack but...it's possible that is the purpose " she explained .