You smirked slightly , finally you got to beat one of raven tail's members . You jumped down the arena , landing safely .
" go get 'em y/n ! " mirajane cheered .
" there is nothing to worry about " gajeel crossed his arms .
" yeah ! It's n/n after all ! Go beat some ass kid ! " kanna yelled .
Juvia had a frown on her face " but..juvia have a bad feeling about this.."
" GO Y/N ! WE'RE ALL CHEERING FOR YA ! " natsu grinned .
Gray crossed his arms , hearing what the blue haired woman said earlier . He couldn't help but worry a little .
" I'm sure that y/n will do alright , she's as strong as laxus " freed smiled .
" but she's going against one of the freaks of my old's man guild.." laxus sighed soundly .
" looks like laxus is really worried about y/n " evergreen whispered to bixlow .
" well , he sees her as his little sister so I understand him "
" I won't let Ivan do more of his cowardly acts " Makarov glared at his son , making Mavis smile .
" hmmm , the dragon slayer kid is fighting , bet this is going to be one interesting match " orga smirked .
" this may be one of the greatest chances to see her acting in fights " minerva licked her lips .
" I'm pretty sure that y/n will win , right rogue ? " sting turned to his friend , who nodded in agreement , eyes focused on the arena .
3rd person pov : Once the match started , the crowd went wild . All your guildmates were watching you with curiousty . It is the first time that they will see you act ( the second time for some people ).
" so , you're from that Ivan's freak guild huh ? Who the hell are yo- ? " y/n spoke but she was interrupted when Alexe punched her in the jaw .
Everyone froze . They had their eyes wide . Gray's and natsu's breath hitched . Minerva gasped a little and the twin dragons face turned to one filled with shock . Lucy put a hand on her mouth , she gasped hearing y/n's pained screams .
Kanna gritted her teeth and was about to jump down to beat the shit out of the masked guy , but much to her dismay , gajeel held her in place . Mirajane watched with horror , the small girl coughing her own blood .