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                  "Ah young love

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"Ah young love. Blah"


Walking home, me and Noya were side by side. We were walking in comfortable silence. That is until he walked away towards a small flower spot. He picked up a small flower. "To the goddess herself."

"why thank you my knight and shining armor." you curtsied in front of him with the small flower in your hand.  While you kept on walking you saw The Coaches store. "HEY NISHI I NEED FOOD!"

"GOOD IDEA. What did you have in mind Y/n?" you placed a finger on your chin while your mind roamed all around the thoughts of food. "I'm kinda feelinggg someee mochi!" You ran up to the store's doors.

"oh god its you two." you looked over at the grumpy man, he looked like he had just arrived too "HEYY COACH!" Noya yelled when he entered the store too. "we just came for so mochi man.. take a chill pill." Ukai looked confused, "But I don't take pills." you held Noya by the hand and went for the search of mochi. "AHA!" you got a few flavors and Noya got two energy drinks.

"is that it?" "YUP!" you said while taking out your wallet. Noya pushed you away and while you were trying to gather your balance back he quickly too out his wallet and paid. "YOU ASSHOLE DIDNT YOU SEE I WAS GONNA PAY!" "heheheh but my little princess shouldn't pay." Noya knew what he was doing. "ISTG I WILL FEED YOU TO THE FROGS" "If then would I become one the  you would kiss me?" y/n turned around and just took the bags and left. Noya came out too you guys found a bench to eat your snacks at. "You don't have to be a frog for me to kiss you Nishi." the girl also knew what she was doing.

Noya just shoved some mochi up her mouth. He opened his drink and started to chug it down. "CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!" he finished it and lifted the bottle up in the air. "AWWW YEAAAA" "my turn my turn." you got yours and started to chug it down too. Noya Cheering you on. once you finished it you threw it on the ground and jumped on it. "YEAAAAAA!" Noya tackled you in a hug that sent you both on the floor. You guys turned and looked up at the sky.

You looked over at Noya who you thought was also looking at the sky but, he was actually looking at you. When you turned to see him you just made eye contact and smiled.  When you guys got up you picked up your trash because littering is unacceptable. You were walking down the streets to your house. "HEY LOOK OVER THERE!" he pointed at nothing specific. Then when you turned to see what he was pointing at he held your hand. You just looked at him "You could have just asked Mr. smooth"

You kept on walking for a while and when you got bored you intertwined your fingers with his. perfect fit. Swinging your arms step by step. You guys got closer.

.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

Once you guys got to your house you opened the door and saw Ryu and his older sister. "HEYYY Y/NNNN!" you dropped everything and ran to her "Big sis Saeko!!" Noya just standing at the door. "Noya? What are you doing with Y/n?" "BIG SIS NICE TO SEE YOU TOO heheh." You went up to Ryu. " So I'm guessing you guys came for dinner?" he nodded "yea but I was waiting for you oh and HEYYY NOYAAA." he said looking over to the boy and winked at him.

"Alright now that were all finally here we can have dinner, Noya you can join us too I made an extra plate in case you came." Said Akane. "Thanks!" we all washed our hands because HYGYNE and we sat down to eat. "THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!" we all dug in Saeko and Akane were drinking. "how much you wanna bet they'll be drunk before 10pm." you whispered into Ryu's ear. Although Noya seemed a bit jealous.

When we were all done with our food we cleaned up the table and went to the living room. We were watching a scary movie cuz why not. Whenever a scary popup came up you either jumped and feel off the couch or held on to either the boy on your left or right. On your left was Ryu and on your right was Noya. Noya was especially close to you.

"GUYYYSSS we should play a game together." Akane said you just got up and sat her down on the couch, "dude your just drunk, rest." she got back up again even though you tried to help her. "NO NO ITLL BE NO FUN TOMMOROW IS SATURDAY LETS HAVE FUNNNNN." Noya seemed excited about the idea but he doesn't know how, well harsh your sister can be.

Then here came Saeko adding to the ideas of stupid sun games. "yea we should play truth or dare or like put a finger down." We went with the idea because a little fun never hurt anyone right. "ok ok I have one put a finger down if you've ever stolen something." Almost everyone put one finger down except Tanaka and Akane. "WOAHHHH you guys are like going to jail." Ryu said. "snitches get stitches" You said while sticking your tongue out, I was young and didn't know better.

Saeko was next so "Alright alright put a finger down if you have a crush on someone."  Almost everyone put a finger down except Saeko cuz she's badass and doesn't need no man. "OK OK NOW IM INTRESTED PLEASE DO TELL" Tanaka went first because it was way to obvious who he liked. "MY DARLING KIYOKO IS MY CRUSH!" next up was My sister. "I found this hot dude at my work turns out we have a few things in common."  Next up was Noya and Y/n. They were both sweat dropped a bit when everyone looked at them. Y/n faked a yawn "wow guess I'm getting pretty tired I  should head to bed now. "I SWEAR TO GOD Y/N IF YOU DONT SIT YOU ASS DOWN AND ANSWER THE QUESTION YOUR LOSEING THE SWITCH PRIVLADGES!"  Y/n did admire her Nintendo so she sat back down. That's when Ryu got up and got some scissors. " Guys look I can cut the tension in the room." "shut up Tanaka." Noya said that while making eye contact with y/n.

"UGHHH guysss this is o badd just kiss already." "S-Shut up Akane" Noya grabed y/n's chin and pulled her in for a kiss. At first he was surprised by his own actions but they got into it. everyone started cheering for them. "YESSSS" "THE SHIP HAS SAILEDDD" and "I told you you owe me 50 bucks."

Once their lips separated they made eye contact and y/n pulled him in for another kiss. Everyone went crazy "HOLLYYY SHITTTTT" "OMGGGG" and "YOU GO QUEEENNNN PERIODDD"

They separated lips once again and they became a nice scarlet red. "so I'm guessing y/n's crush was noya and noya's crush was y/n." Saeko said. akane replied "yea well it was pretty obvious too." and thats when it hit y/n "HOLLYY SHITT I JUST- OMGGGG DUDEDEEEE WE JUST LIKE..... kissed." noya let out a chuckle. "we can do it again if you'd like. Saeko spit out the beer she was drinking onto the carpet. "SAEKO that was like a month new!" Akane got up to get a wet rag to clean up the mess.

.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

After a bit everything was cleaned up and Akane was passed out on the couch she drunk much more than Saeko so Ryu and his sister left it was like 3am. "BYEE RYU TAKE CARE OF UR SISTER!" They waved goodbye and when you closed the door you found Noya looking around your room he grabbed one of your knickknacks from your dresser. Then he moved over to your hamster. "What's his name?" "Harry. Harry the hamster." He chuckled under his breath. "I have a fish named jerry." All y/n could think of is how bad they would be naming kids if they ever had any..

"Uhm anyways I think I should get going my grandma would be worried." Y/n nodded and smiled. "I think he would be." You looked at the time and its 3:21am. You walked Noya out. He turned around to see the girl. "Thank you." "For what?" "For today." He smiled and kissed the girl on the forehead and walked away. "ILL TEXT YOU TOMORROW! I HOPE YOU SLEEP WELL M'LADY!" You smiled and sent a kiss along the way he caught it and placed his hand on his mouth.

You closed the door. "Ah young love. Blah." "AKANE SHUT THE HELL UP AND GO TO SLEEP!" She walked to her room and passed out almost immediately after her face touched her bed. Y/n walked to her room and flopped down on her bed and thought about the whole day and about tomorrow. She sighed and closed her eyes.

I didn't proof read so if there's any mistakes I'm sorry. I'm failing math ;-; must be the work of the dark reunion
    *theme music playing*

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