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           "Your mine and mine alone"     ┖┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┚

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"Your mine and mine alone"

Monday 3:30pm

Y/n was walking to her work. Noya said he had to go to practice early so she didn't really see him after school.

She opened the doors to the cafe and walked over the the changing room where she changed into her uniform. She came out and got ready for her shift.

It was all normal until two boys came into the cafe. Y/n walked over to their table. "What can I get for you?" They didn't bother looking at the menu. "Are you single?" Y/n was taken back with that question. Not many find interest in her.
"Yes bu-" he then elbowed his buddy "lemme get ur number." He said with a teasing smirk. "No im sorry but can I get you anything from the cafe." She tried to keep her calm.

His buddy spoke up "yes can I get uhm a latte. Thank you." Your wrote that down on your paper. You looked over to the other boy "uhh bring me.. you know what just bring me ice cream." You wrote it down. "What flavor?" "Vanilla." You wrote that down too and walked away. You felt a pair of eyes still on you.

After you got their orders you walked over and placed their food on the table. "I still want that number." His voice raised a bit and he chuckled . You didn't really find humor in it though. Walking away you muttered "Go to hell."
You went on too other tables and other customers. When they were done you took their plates and left the check on the table. They left a credit card along with what you assumed a tip. You went over to the register to swipe the card. They were still sitting at the table waiting for their card.

When you placed the card down you saw a big group walk into the cafe. It was the WHOLE TEAM. Shocked you still stood there and the boy slapped your ass. You had enough of it so you grabbed his hand and slapped him across the face and kicked him in the good spot. He grunted in pain and walked off. This time you said in a nice loud voice for him to hear. "Go to fucking hell."

That's when you remembered the whole team was watching you and you stood there still frozen. Noya ran over to you and checked if you were hurt anywhere. "I'm fine I'm fine. Don't worry." He was about to run over to the boy that caused the whole ruckus. But you grabbed Him by the caller because the boy was basically surrounded by giants. He was walking past the whole team who saw what happened. Hell Ryu even barked, and if looks could kill he'd be dead by now.

Once the two boys left the team sat down. You broke the awkward silence by speaking. "So uhm what can I get for you guys?" They all looked at you. "Now don't all of you talk at once."
(A/n: sounded exactly like my reading teacher.)

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