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            "DROP THE GUN OR THE                   BANANA GETS IT!"     ┖┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┚

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    Training Camp 6:30am

It was way to early for you to be awake but Noya did beg you over the phone to come to training camp. And Takeda said you could help Kiyoko with the cooking for the team. So why not. After training camp they were having a practice game vs Nekoma.

"HEY Y/N!" You looked over to the boy "HEY RYU!" You ran over to him. "Are you also coming to training camp?" You nodded. "Noya begged me to come." You arrived to the gym. You saw many players already there. "HEYYY IM HEREEE!" Noya looked over and ran over to you.

"Y/NNNNNN!" The dude with the headband looked over. "Who are you?." Like a soldier you presented yourself "I'M Y/N HORI PLEASURE TO MEET YOU BUT MAY I ASK WHO YOU ARE?" He raised his eyebrows "I'm the damn coach, well a temporary one that is." You bowed down. "Nice to meet you sir!" He nodded and continued spiking down the balls for the players to receive the balls.

"Hey short stack is she your girlfriend?" Noya looked at the coach with a blank face. "Well uhm no but no wellllllll no but ɴᴏᴛ ʏᴇᴛ ʜᴇʜ." Ryu took noya to some place I have no idea but Kiyoko showed me around and we're we would be cooking. I'm not that bad of a cooker I actually enjoy the meals I make. So after the first day the boys ended their training and went over to the building.

"WOAHHHHHHH THIS IS SO COOL!!" Hinata was very excited to see it. Although Tanaka and Noya were very sad because they thought kiyoko and me would leave afterwords. But no. they looked dead on the ground. Until Takeda opened the door to the kitchen. "OH SWEET GODDESSES!" They all sat down and ate. "Kiyoko asked for leftovers anyone want any?" You told the team. Noya and Tanaka ran up to her to get some more.

After they were all done eating I stole a banana from the kitchen. "Psssttt PSTTTT NOYA!" He looked over and saw a banana with a drawn on face on it. "It's Mr.Banana Isn't he cute." You said while looking at the banana like if it were your child. Noya looked jealous. He took out a nerf gun. "HEY HEY HEY GET THAT AWAY FROM MR.BANANA!" You said while you also took out a nerf gun and pointed it at Noya.


"OK BUT DROP YOURS TOO!" He looked at you then at the banana he ran over to you and snatched the banana away from you. Running to the boys room. Daichi saw Noya come in "hey noya it's the second years turn to bathe." Then you ran into the room too. "LET THE BANANA BITCH LIVE NISHI!" He stoped "WHO DO YOU LOVE MORE THE BANANA OR ME?!" You stoped too and just looked disappointed. "Noya you know.." you walked slowly closer to noya.

"THE BANANA BITCH!" You snatched the banana from his hand and ran away. The boys in the room just watched and didn't say anything. "HEY GET BACK HERE Y/N!" You stoped. "YOU GOT YOURSELF IN A CORNER!" He began laughing then you just saw the weird situation you were in and started laughing too. "You know I love you more than the banana right." He looked up and just smiled. He pulled you into a hug. "Yea I do."

.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°

The last day before the Game vs Nekoma.
They all finished training so some of them were just coming out of the bath. You had a whole bathroom to yourself. Once you came out you found Ryu and hinata taking. "Uh hey y/n did you see the child?" "Uhm no, no child I've seen anywhere." He looked over at Ryu.

You heard a footstep and you all screamed. "What's with all the racket? Daichi's gonna get angry you know." You all started laughing. "IT WAS NOYA YOU IDIOT!" Ryu said hitting Hinata on the shoulder. "Wait did he shrink?!" You wakes up to noya and had a closer look. "HE DID OMG HIS HAIR MAKES HIM TALLER!" Noya barked back at you. "DONT MAKE FUN OF ME OR I SWEAR!" Some demon person grabbed onto Noya's shoulder. You jumped onto Noya and hugged him. "You should keep your voices down, daichi might hear you." You all screamed and daichi did in fact hear us.

Noya just realized you just came out of the shower and you also had your hair wet. She admired the sight. "UUUUUU LOVE." "UUUU LOVER BOYYYY." Hinata and Tanaka sang. "SHUT UP!" You and Noya snapped back. You held Noya's hand and walked outside. "Why'd you bring me out here y/n?" You looked up at the stars. "Oh" "do you get nervous for a game?" He looked at you. You were still admiring the sight. "Not really but sometimes I do get the butterflies." "I'll be there to cheer you on!" Noya looked back up. "And I'll be playing at my best abilities."

.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°
Game day-

You walked over to Tanaka they just got into some argument with brush head. Then the same dude looked over at kiyoko and got all dramatic. He looked at you and started crying. He said something like "TWO HOT MANAGERS!" You walked up to him and corrected him. "Actually I'm not a manager I just helped a bit." He got all red. "ONE OF THEM JUST TALKED TO ME!"

The game was about to start. They were all in position and the whistle was blown. "YEAAAAAA GO GET EM BOYS!" They all looked at you. Noya was also cheering "YOU HEARD HER WE WILL GIVE IT OUR BEST!"

They lost the game. Ppffttt and they played like 3 of them.

You ran over to Noya. "ITS ALRIGHT YOU DID YOUR BEST!" You gave him a head rub. "Yea but that's the problem we did our best but we still lost." You grabbed his cheeks and looked him in the eyes. "That only means that theirs room for improvement." "Your right!" The coaches gave the teams a pep talk while you were cleaning up some equipment.

Then you saw noya staring at the Nekoma libero. "Go go tell him." You pushed him over and he said his revives are really good but they won't lose next time. He ran back. But with a straight face. "Aw come on don't give me that faceee Nishi!" You hugged his leg and he stoped. With a full straight face he said. "Get on I'm giving you a piggy back ride." Your eyes shined and you got on then he was running all around the gym with you on his back.

.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°

Once they got to their school we all did light cleaning. And they all went home to rest. Noya and me went to the park even though it was like 10pm.

We were on the swings just thinking. Until Noya broke the silence. "So what's the plans for our date you never sent me the information." You froze on the spot. "Hmm dunno where would you like to go?"

He looked at you and he said "let's go to the mall and get food there and stuff." You agreed to the idea. "1:00pm tomorrow okay." You agreed to that too. You got up and walked over to noya. He thought you were gonna hug him or something but.... you pushed him on the swing until he basically was flipping on it. He got off and wobbled all around.

He grabbed onto your shoulders and kissed you. "Your mine now. Your my girlfriend now." You giggled and agreed to that too. "I guess I am now nishi."

You walked home and you said your goodbyes. You walked over to your closet and opened the door. "Now.. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK AM I GOING TO WEAR?!" You called over you sister she was dead asleep in her room but you still staged her to help. You explained the situation and where you were going and she helped you pick out your outfit for tomorrow.

Once you were done it was like 1 in the morning so you passed out on the floor. The tv was still on playing ouran high school host club. You decided to rewatch it for the 6th time. Then it ended around 3am and woke you up. "The ouran host club will be waiting." You cried for a bit then feel asleep but on your bed.

I hope your enjoying it so far <33
Cuz I enjoy writing it.

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