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               "Tanaka why didn't you                Tell me you had such a                           hot friend?"    ┖┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┚

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"Tanaka why didn't you
Tell me you had such a
hot friend?"

Y/n came back to Noya's table with his order and a post-it note. "IS THAT IT?!"
Y/n lifted up the note up to the sky. "YUP ITS MY NUMBER!" She slammed it down on the table and said "the wonderful number that can change your life." Noya nodded and smiled.

"If you need anything else yell out my name." Not even a second later he yelled "Y/NNNNNN!!" She made a quick turn once again "yes noya?" "When does your shift end?" The girl looked at the watch on her wrist "in about 30 minutes, why?"

"You think you can come to practice with me?" Y/n put a finger on her chin and thought about what she had to do today. Which mostly consisted of watching anime and eating like a starving animal.

"Sure! You play volleyball right?"
"Yup I'm the libero!" He pointed proudly at himself. "Pretty sure I've heard of that position before, my friend talks about volleyball a lot."

Noya looked confused. "Who's your friend?" "Oh his name is Ryūnosuke Tanaka, do you know him?"
Noya got up from his seat. "DO I KNOW HIM OF COURSE I DO! HES LIKE A BROTHER TO ME!"

Y/n  slammed her hands on the table and just stood there. "But how come we've never met? I've known Ryu for a long time now." Noya tried to remember if he's ever met the girl. "Hmm not sure..." Y/n rolled up her sleeves "Oh he's going to hear from me alright how come he's never introduced me to you!!"

Noya took a big bite from his cupcake. "Well I got to go take my last order before I'm done." Nishinoya agreed and let the girl go.

.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

Y/n came out of the employee room now in her school uniform.

Nishinoya was waiting for her at the front of the cafe. "Alrighty I'm ready!" She put up double thumbs up. "OKAY LETS GOOOO" he pointed the way to their school.

As they were arriving everyone was already stretching. Y/n was the first to go through the gym doors. "OH HEYYY Y/N WHACHU DOING HERE!" Tanaka yelled to the girl.

"RYUUUUUUUU I SWEAR TO GOD-" that's when noya walked through the door and it all clicked for Tanaka. "Oh- yea uhm I can explain-" Y/n ran over to ryu while swinging her bag. "AHH PLEASE Y/N DONT HURT MY POOR BEAUTIFUL FACE!!"

Before she swings the bag noya placed his hand on her shoulder. "Tanaka why didn't you tell me you had such a hot friend?"
Y/n was shocked to say the least. She kicked him in the stomach. "SHUT UP NOYA" noya mumbled under his breath "but did I lie tho.."

"Anyways he came to the cafe and we met there." But like how come we've never met I've known Ryu since I moved here which was like a few years ago. My mom lives in America and me and my sister decided to move to Japan. Although we were born here my mom had work over there. anYwAYs...

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