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     It's been three years since my last killing spree in the school, and I have decided to reside in a town that is known for it's colors and rap battles. I'm scrolling through my phone, when someone knocks on my apartment door, so me being the dumb bitch I am, opens it. There was Cherry, who was also know as "The girlfriend", waiting with her boyfriend, Keith. "Hey girl, I know you're reminiscing, but I want you to come with us to a rap battles in the old train station so we don't get hurt." Cherry cheers, really hoping I go.

"I don't know, I might end up hurting an innocent person..." I state, this was a concern I had for years.

"We'll make sure it doesn't happen." Keith reassures. They really want me to go, huh.

"Fine, I'll come." I confirm.

     After that statement, there were a bunch of cheers. Cherry insisted that I wear something I wore to my old school, so I wore:

When I walked out of the dressing room, I grabbed my bag and immediately walked out, leaving Keith and Cherry behind

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When I walked out of the dressing room, I grabbed my bag and immediately walked out, leaving Keith and Cherry behind.

     While I was walking, I saw a familiar goth, so I walked over to her and said, "Cassandra?! Where have you been, it's been years!!"

     She turned to look at me, eyes widened and tears streaming down her face, "(n/n)?! It is you!!! I thought we would never see ya again, it was boring without you!!!"

     We started talking about what we did while we were away from eachother while walking to my destination, but a pleasant surprise was waiting for me when I got there: a knife to my neck, a gun to the back of my head and some explosives in front of me so I could blow up if I moved.

"Yo, what the heck?! You said you wouldn't hurt the guest!" I hear a familiar voice say.

"Keith, why is there a butcher knife to my neck, an UZI pointed at the back of my head, and a C-4 at my feet?"

"After all that time, you still know your weapons, after all I did say I wouldn't hurt the guest, but you are an acception." I heard a gravelly voice say.

"Pico? What are you doing here? I thought I was coming for a fun time, not a fucking boring one." I responded, feeling bored already. "Can one of you just hurt me already or am I going to have to walk on the C-4?" I ask.

"I forgot she likes pain." a voice, who I assumed to belong to Nene, sighed.

"So can you let me go or?" I ask, really bored.

".....fine." another voice, which was Darnell's, spoke.

     And so, all of the weapons were removed for my unfortunate safety.

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