teddy bear | kageyama tobio

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plot: making up with kageyama after an argument

word count: 1236

pronouns used: they/them (implied)

warnings: fluff with some angst, comfort, post-argument, swearing

You and Kageyama had been dating for quite a while now. He had confessed in your second year in high school on Valentine's day. Since then, you two had grown more and more as a couple. You became his biggest supporter and he became yours. 

Up until more recently, the two of you had your ups and downs in your relationship. Two nights ago, just before he left for an away match, the two of you had argued about time. You had wanted more time with him while he thought he was giving you more than enough. 

After the argument, he had slammed the door, leaving for his match in another county. You cried your eyes out onto your pillow, knowing the last few words to him were harsh. You sat up and looked out the window, staring at the empty parking space where Kageyama's car would normally be.

"What day is it?" You muttered. "Sunday...He should be home..."

You wiped away your tears opening your laptop. You turned on a show to watch, cuddling your pillow, trying to fall asleep. Assuming Kageyama had gone back to his apartment, you slowly drifted to sleep, letting your show play on.

Kageyama laid in his own bed, staring at the ceiling. Even though you two didn't live together, he felt off in an empty bed. He wasn't one to admit he missed you. He sat up, looking around his room. His eyes landed on his desk and he notices something peeking out on his chair.

He leaves his covers and walks over to see the object. It was a teddy bear, more specifically the one he gave you when he confessed. "What is this doing here?" He thought. He caressed the bear's fur, thinking back at the time he confessed.

It was cold that day. You had forgotten your jacket the day and continued to shiver all of class. You put your chin on the cold desk as your friends were receiving chocolates and roses. You let a sigh as you felt someone tap your shoulder. "Hm?" You sat up, looking behind you.

"Hey, Kageyama wants to see you outside," Hinata says. You furrowed your brows at him before getting up. You dragged your feet as you arrived outside by the gym. 

Kageyama looked at the ground, his hands behind his back, waiting patiently. The cool breeze hit your arms, making you audibly shiver. He looked up to see you. "Hey," You smiled.

"Hi," Kageyama seemed nervous. 

"What's up Kags?" You asked, approaching him.

"I-- Uhm, I wanted to--" He stuttered. "How do I-- I don't--"

"Are you okay?" You tilt your head at him.

"I- I- I like you! Please accept my confession!" He rushed, showing the bear from behind his back.

You were taken back by his sudden confession and you giggled at his expression. You take a step closer to him, taking the bear from his hands. 

The two of you were classmates back in middle school but only got closer in your first year. You would go to his games to bring him snacks afterward and help him study for class. He admired your personality and how kind you've been to him. You were the first person he truly felt romantic feelings for.

"I like you too Kags," You gleamed, petting the top of the bear's head. Kageyama's head shot up to look at you, sparkles in his eyes.

"Really?" He asked. You nodded, holding the bear to your chest. Another gust of wind hits your skin, making goosebumps appear on your arms. Kageyama approaches you, taking off his uniform coat, and drapes it around you. "You should've brought a jacket, dumbass."

"You can have your bear back," You joked.

"I'm kidding," He smiled. "I promise to take good care of you, okay?"

"I think I wanna name him Toto," You showed him. He tilts his head, not understanding the reference. "Like, To- bio, Toto-- You'll get it later, let's go inside."

Kageyama smiles down at the bear as the memory of his confession always makes him feel better. It hits him that he left you alone for three days and that you'd been sleeping alone. He couldn't bear the thought of leaving you hurt. 

You were sleeping uncomfortably in your cold bed when you heard a knock on your front door. You sleepily walked to the door standing inches away from it.

"Y/n?" You heard. "I'm sorry for what I said to you...I didn't mean it when I said those mean things."

"You left me alone," You responded through the door. "You didn't even call me when you got back like you always did."

"I know- I'm sorry. Please let me in?" Kageyama called out. A moment of silence hit before he spoke again. "Toto and I are freezing out here."

"Toto..?" You opened the door to see your boyfriend holding your stuffed bear in his arms close to his chest. You cracked a small smile at him before looking at Kageyama.

"Look, he's been alone all weekend too," He points at the bear. "Do you think you could make it up to him?"

You take the bear from him, kissing its forehead and snuggling it close to you. Kageyama's eyes drooped a tad looking at your puffy eyes and red nose. 

"Baby?" He says. You looked up at him, noticing the guilt written on his face. "Can I make it up to you?"

You paused before nodding, you held out your hand to him. He takes your hand as you guided him back to your room. Kageyama took notice of your sleepwear being his old Schweiden jersey. Your bed was messy after your minor breakdown. 

His hoodie scrunched by your pillows, your laptop where he usually slept, and some of the stuffies he bought you were scattered at the foot of the bed. Wordlessly, Kageyama helps you clean up the bed before crawling under the covers with you.

You held Toto in between the two of you as you both admired one another. "I'm sorry for yelling," Kageyama says, running his thumb against your cheek. "I didn't mean to...I was just frustrated and stressed with the upcoming game."

"I know,  I saw you won," You say softly. "I'm sorry for bugging you. I know volleyball is your career and I'm probably weighing you down and I-"

"You're not weighing me down, if anything you're the one thing that helps me in my games. You support me regardless if you're mad at me," He interrupts. "I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't make you a priority when I should've. You're my everything and I fucked up...I love you..."

"I love you too," You say. You scooted closer to him, placing your lips on his. Kageyama relaxed feeling you kiss him after being deprived of affection. After pulling away, Kageyama chuckled against your lips.

"You're smothering Toto," He pointed out the bear squished between your bodies.

"Oh," You laughed. "Sorry Toto, I wanna cuddle my boyfriend first." You sat up, placing the stuffed animal beside the others at the foot of the bed. 

You laid back into his arms, nuzzling your nose into his chest. He rubs circles on your back as you both settled in each other's warmth. That familiar feeling of being with each other led you both to drift off to sleep, your hearts full of love once more. 

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