twitch | kozume kenma

745 12 4

plot: kenma lets you sleep on him

word count: 621

pronouns used: they/them

warnings: none

Kenma had texted you that he'll be streaming tonight and that he didn't want to disturb you when you were going to bed. He was playing some casual games of Valorant with some friends and he was making decent donations from the stream.

"Thank you nikkigr4de for the Tier 5 sub," Kenma says. His streaming room was next door to your shared bedroom but you could hear him slightly when he'd raise his voice.

You were trying to sleep but you were feeling extra needy for your boyfriend today. Not in a sexual way though, you just missed him next to you. You sat up and slipped on one of his hoodies to hide your cat print pajamas. Getting out of bed, you made your way to your boyfriend's work room.

You knocked on the door before entering and you notice your boyfriend waiting in the Valorant lobby. "Hey kitten, was I too loud?" Kenma says.

"No no, I just missed you," You made your way towards him and wrapped your hands around his shoulders. "How long have you been streaming?"

"Uhm," You watched as he looks at his stream. "Just an hour now. What's up? Did you want me to end early?"

"Huh? No babe, it's okay," You say. You pecked his cheek before moving away.

"Hey come back here," He pulls you hand back to you.

"What? Why, baby I'm just bugging you," You giggled.

"Look, chat says hi," He points out. You watch as the rapid chat spams their greetings. "Guys, Y/n is here."

"Wait, how many people are there?" You looked across his screen to spot the large number. "Three thousand?!"

Your cheeks got warm and pink flushed. Kenma wraps his arm around your waist as you stand beside him. "Do you want to play a round for me?" Kenma suggests. You shook your head and leaned down and pecked his forehead.

"I'll just wait for you, I'm sleepy," You say. Kenma doesn't let go of you as you tried to go back to your shared bedroom.

"No," Kenma insists. "You can sit on my lap while I play if you want."

"You sure?" You said cautiously. "I don't wanna bug you."

"Come here," Kenma opens his arms and pats his lap. You sighed as you watched your boyfriend take off his headphones. You straddled his lap, placing your head on his shoulder and your hands wrapping around his waist. "Comfy yet?"

"Mhm," You hid your face in his shoulder. You felt Kenma move the chair closer to his desk so he coukd reach his keyboard. You started slowly falling asleep on his shoulder as he played his stream. Every so often, you'd hear him call out his followers comments.

"Y/n looks pretty comfy," Kenma reads. "They're falling asleep right now. I might end the stream early."

After every round he played, he'd kiss your head or cheek as you fell asleep. "Alright everyone, I think I'm going to end the stream here," Kenma started to shut all applications on his computer. "I'll be streaming tomorrow, I just think Y/n needs to sleep on a real bed right now." Kenma ends his stream then taps your shoulder.

"Hm? What's wrong?" You stirred in your sleep.

"We can go to bed now kitten," He pecked your cheek. Kenma helps you down off his lap and you two walked to your bedroom. Kenma followed after up but once you got to the bed, you almost immediately fall onto your sheets. Kenma snickered at the sight of you sleeping.

Kenma crawls into bed next to you, moving your hair out of your face and he pecks your nose before softly kissing your lips. "Goodnight kitten," He whispered. "I love you."

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