believe me | sakusa kiyoomi

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plot: confession with sakusa turning sour

word count: 1114

pronouns used: she/her

warnings: angst

"He doesn't like me, Komori," You sighed, putting your head on the desk. You immediately sat up, wiping your cheek. "You should know, you're related to him."

"He doesn't talk about you. I could talk to him for you if you'd like," He suggests. You began to consider his offer. For a while now, you began to fall for Sakusa. It was odd to fall for a cold-hearted germaphobe.

Everyday you'd talk to him before class began. It's always the same. "Hey Sakusa-kun!" You say as you put your shoes away in the locker. His reaction is always the same, rolling his eyes or completely ignores you.

In class you'd always ask to partner with him, ask him about the work, or make up an excuse to be near him. Though he hated every second of it, he'd help you regardless. Sakusa would talk to you occasionally if you talked to him, but never start the conversation.

"No it's fine," You replied. Komori knew about your feelings for his cousin. "I'll probably confess to him sooner or later."

"Really?" Komori tilts his head. "You're ready for that?"

"I don't know, maybe?" You sighed. The bell rings and you say your goodbyes. You pull out your books for class and watched as Sakusa entered in. He seat was beside yours so you greet him as he sits beside you. "Hi Sakusa!"

He chooses to ignore your greeting, causing you to frown. You turn back to your books, trying to ignore his harsh reaction. You had been distracted all of class, worrying about confessing.

After class, you had always walked with Komori and Sakusa home. Today was no different, walking beside Komori with your crush in front of him. You were nearing your house when you asked Sakusa to stop for a moment.

"Hey Sakusa!" He paused. Sakusa turned to you and notices your lightly tinted cheeks. "Do you mind meeting me at the gate before practice tomorrow?"

"Why?" Sakusa groaned.

"Omi-kun just be nice," Komori says.

"Fine," He rolled his eyes before proceeding to his house.

"Text me later!" Komori says catching up with his cousin. You nod before going into your home. You greet your parents as you walked to your room. Seating yourself at your desk, you pulled out a lilac sheet of paper and an envelope.

You began to write your confession worry written in every word. The worst that can happen was he could say no. Nonetheless, you carried on pouring your heart out on a sheet of paper. After closing the letter, you recieved a text from Komori.

ori-ori: hey!

you: heyyooo

ori-ori: did you finish the letter?

you: yessirr do you know what omi likes? im not sure if i should give him some snack or sum

ori-ori: maybe chocolate? thats normally what you give to someone when you confess

you: oooo ill make some chocolate stars

ori-ori: give slide me some :)

you: yea yea

That night you made mini chocolate treats, placing them in a pink cellophane bag. You made an extra amount for yourself and Komori, saving them in a separate bag. Everything was set. Your letter, the chocolates, and the courage you had to confess.

Once the morning rolled around, you let your hair down from it's normal hair do. You tried your best to look as nice as possible to confess. You even wore the jewelry you dreaded wearing.

Sakusa was earlier than usual and was quick to notice your different appearance. "Why do you look weird today?" He asks, putting his shoes in the locker.

"Oh, do I not look nice?" You worried.

"You look fine. Just...weird," Sakusa quickly leaves afterwards. You sighed at his comment and decided to carry on your day.

It felt so slow throughout class. The overbearing feeling of rejection clouded your mind. You worried about what'd you say to him. He sat beside you so it was terrifying to think if he rejected you how you'd be in class.

Komori reassured you throughout the day, boosting your confidence. Then, the last bell rang. You shuffled out the hall to the front gate. You waited for Sakusa patiently, holding the letter and small bag of treats. You looked around to spot Sakusa approaching now that there were less people.

"Hi Sakusa-kun!" You smiled.

"You wanted to talk?" He questioned.

"Oh, yeah," You looked at your hands. "These are for you. I- I like you alot...So, please accept my letter."

Sakusa takes the chocolates you hand him and stares at the letter. You watch as he crumpled the note and your eyes widen at him. "No," He says bluntly. "I get you like me and all, it's obvious. I don't like you. At all."

"But-" Your voice cracked.

"Any guy who would want to date you would have to be insane to deal with your annoying personality," He says. Sakusa turns to leave before stopping in his tracks. "I won't love you, stop trying and leave me alone." You watch as he throws your bag of treats in the trash.

The hot tears rolled down your cheeks as you watched him leave you at the gate. Frustrated with yourself, you ran away from the school all the way home.

"Hey Omi," Komori greets. "Did you talk to Y/n?"

"I turned her down," Sakusa responds. "Here." He hands Komori the crumpled confession.

"What? Why?" His cousin was taken back by his words. "Y/n is-"

"Annoying. I don't like her," He states. "I'm going to go change before the locker room fills up."

Komori quickly texts and calls you but gets no response. You had hid in your bedsheets, your bag had been thrown on the floor with all your things sprawled around.

After his rejection, you had stopped greeting him in the morning, stopped talking to Komori, and you had kept to yourself in class. Sakusa noticed these things and decided to talk to Komori.

"Did my rejection really affect Y/n?" Sakusa stood across from his cousin during practice.

"Well, yeah!" Komori was frustrated with his cousin. "She liked you alot dude!"

"How was I supposed to know that?" Sakusa argued.

"Did you even read the note?" Komori held up the letter all flattened out. 

"No," He responds.

"Why do you have to be such an asshole? She literally did so much to make sure she could be around you. She kept hand sanitizers and wipes in her bag. She told me she showered everyday to 'reduce the amount of germs to be next to him.' And you didn't even care to read it?" Komori tossed the letter at him. "Talk to me when you can at least be a decent human."

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