shortcake | kuroo tetsuro [ nsfw ]

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plot: kuroo and you celebrate your anniversary in a spicy way

word count: 2114

pronouns used: she/her

warnings: nsfw; smut

"Gah!" Kuroo groaned. "It looks fine right Kenma?"

"It looks terrible," Kenma says over facetime. "You should've done cupcakes."

"Shut up," Kuroo puts down his icing knife to stare at his work. He was trying to make you a strawberry shortcake as a surprise for your anniversary. "It's fine, she'll like it right?"

"Kuroo-san it's lopsided," Kenma laughed. Kuroo stepped back to stare at it to notice how tilted his cake was.

"Shit," Kuroo covered his face. "Fuck, she's calling. Talk to you later Kenma."

"Later," Kenma ends the call and answers you.

"Helloooo?" You answer.

"Hi baby," Kuroo smiled. "What's up?"

"Oh nothing, I'm on my way home right now," You say. "Whatcha up to babe?"

"Oh- Uhm, making dinner for you," Kuroo stuttered.

"Everything okay?" You giggled at his tone.

"Yeah, Yeah, can you drive uh- slower?" He facepalmed at his own words.

"Alright baby, I'll stop by the store to get some wine, sound good?" You say.

"Yes, please," Kuroo sighed. You two said your goodbyes and Kuroo looked back at his crooked cake. He puts the strawberries on top and backed up to look at it. "Maybe I should leave the baking to her."

Kuroo cleaned up his failed shortcake and hid it in the back of the fridge. He began cooking a pork dish for dinner. You came home to him at the stove, humming to himself. You came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his torso from behind. "Hi baby," You say into his back.

"Hey, I didn't hear you come in," He says. You let go as he turns to give you a proper hug. You tiptoe as he leans down to kiss you. "Happy anniversary baby."

"Happy anniversary," You smiled, pulling away. "It smells good."

"Thanks," Kuroo smiled. "Can you set the table? I'm almost done cooking."

You nod and he lets go of you to go into the dining room. You set the table, lighting a candle for the center piece. Kuroo comes into the dining room with two plates of his pork dish. You two sit across from each other and you pout two glasses of wine.

"Thank you for cooking hubby," You say.

"Anything for you my love," He smiles. Kuroo raises his glass for a cheers. "Happy anniversary to the greatest girl a man could ever ask for."

"Happy anniversary," You clink your glasses and began to eat your meal.

After your meal, you help with the dishes and Kuroo tells you he has his gift for your anniversary. "Baby I said no gifts this year," You whined as you dried off your hands.

"I have two gifts," He smirked. Kuroo turns and hands you a small box. You open it to find a pair of cat earrings. You giggled at the sight but gave your boyfriend a kiss. "Okay that's not the actual gift, it's still on it's way but I can give you the other gift."

You watched from the kitchen island as your boyfriend grabbed something from the fridge. You see him pull out a lopsided strawberry shortcake and you start to giggle. "Hey I tried my best, don't laugh," Kuroo says placing the cake on the counter.

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