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Y/n pov
I had texted alejandro yesterday, asking if we could talk. He said yes and I guess we're going to a cafe or something. I'm kinda nervous bc he just hasn't been himself lately and idk its just weird to me. Mattia got better though he just has a runny nose but he'll be fine. I got ready and just put on some wide leg jeans and a turtle neck with a sweater over it. "Alright mattia I'm gonna head out" I let him know. "Ok" he said. "Bye" I said
"Byee" he copied. I grabbed my car keys, phone and purse and headed down to the school parking garage. I walked into the parking lot and started my car.

I told alejandro we could go to starbucks bc I fucking love that place. Couple minutes later I got there and I parked my car. When I went inside I saw alejandro sitting at a table with a drink. I orded a -drink of your choice- and went to sit in the same table as him.

A-"hey baby"


A-"why did you wanna talk?"

Y-"well you've been kinda weird lately. Like you've been replying to my texts almost a day after or you just dont answer my calls and facetimes anymore.."

A-"y/n you know I'm one of the principal's main helpers and I my schedule has been so full lately and I'm sorry-"

Y-"alejandro that's what you always say and i just can't believe it"

I'm honestly so annoyed bc he always says that dumb excuse and I'm so sick and tired of it.

Y-"couple months ago you weren't like this, you were so active with me. We hung out more, talked more, had so much fun. Now we hang out like once or twice a week and it breaks my heart"

A-"y/n bab-"

Y-"i love you so very much but I think it's just best if we take time to ourselves..and focus on ourselves for now"

A-"are we breaking up?"

Y-"no, I still wanna be with you..but I just think it's the right person wrong time..just take some weeks to ourselves and then we can talk things out and be back to normal:)"

I really just think its that, right person wrong time. Hopefully we can work things out after those couple weeks. We both gathered our stuff and headed outside to our cars. I hugged Alejandro while a tear rolled down my cheek. "I love you" I said as my voice cracked. "I love you too" he responded. We gave each other a peck on the lips and walked to our cars. I didn't want to cry in a parking lot so I just drove to the park to get some air and just think. I parked my car and began walking.

I'm still wondering what's up with Delany. I can try to contact her friends but idk if they will answer. I can ask Alexis but I'm not sure if she'd know. I think I should just talk about it with
Mattia and Alexis. I walked back to my car and drove to campus. While I was parking I spotted Alexis feeding some birds. I got out of my car and walked over to her. "Hey Lexi" I greeted. She looked at me and sat on the bench behind her. "Oh hey y/n" she responded.

A-"where were you?"

Y-"at starbucks...me and ale are taking a break:/"

A-"what why? what happened?"

Y-"hes just been off lately and idk hes just been acting weird so I think it's best if we take a brake"

A-"did you try asking him what was wrong?"

Y-"he just said that his schedule has been full and that hes the principal's main helpers."

Y-"But the thing is that when we first started dating he wasn't always this busy, so it's just weird to me that he's so busy all of a sudden. "

A-"hm idk"

Y-"I was wondering if I could talk to you and mattia about something?"

A-"yea ofc"

We walked up to mattia and I's dorm. When I opened the door he was laying in bed eating snacks. "Hey mattia" I greeted. "Hey guys" he replied with his mouth full. "I brought alexis up so we could talk" I said explaining her presence. "Hm ok" mattia said. We both sat on the bed next to mattia. "Sooo what'd you wanna talk about??" alexis asked.

Y-"so you guys know delany right?"

alexis & mattia-"mhm"

Y-"well shes been kinda weird lately. Like to the point where we haven't talked in almost a month"

M-"you think she moved schools?"

A-"no, shes been in this school since the first grade there's no way its that"

A-"shes probably just going through a bitch phase, but she'll be probably be back to normal in a couple days. "

Y-"you think?"

A-"yea, happens to most girls"

Y-"hopefully she gets over it soon. I really miss her. "

M-"yea hopefully

I'm going to try to update this story every other day so I dont leave you guys hanging, love you all

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