Y/n pov
Yesterday was Alejandro and I's anniversary. We didnt get to spend it together because he was really busy and had some classes to teach. Though he did get me chocolate covered strawberries and an elephant plushie because thats my favorite animal. I also got to sleep over at his dorm last night. When I walked into his dorm it reaked of cheap bath and body works fragrance. I asked him about the smell but he didnt know what I was talking about. I was kinda confused but might've just been me. It was now morning and me and Ale were doing homework. "I saw Delany a couple days ago. I waved at her but..she didn't wave back...do you know what's up with her?" I asked Alejandro.Normal pov
"Hm..idk, last I heard of her was some days ago when we were doing homework together, but that's it" he answered but his answer did not help y/n's concern. She was still wondering what was up with Delany. Delany is also one of The Beyonces - the popular girls of the school.But even with that, she never acted like that. It was super weird to y/n. Alejandro's phone vibrated from the nightstand making the couple both look at it. The boy grabbed the phone and looked at the notification and smiled. "Hey I'm going out with Robert and some guys" he said smirking at his phone. "oh..uh...yea actually me too uhm Alexis wanted to come to my dorm..." y/n struggled to say. "k cool since we're both dressed ima head out babe"he came up to the short girl and kissed her. "I love you baby" he reminded the girl. "I love you more" she kissed back. When Alejandro left she began to pick up her stuff and headed to her dorm. She went through the stairs.
When she opened the door she saw Mattia laying on the bed on his side, covered with a blanket watching TikTok. "HEYYYY" y/n yelled, full of energy. "Hey" Mattia repeated but instead with a sick tone to his voice, sorta like his morning voice. "Are you ok? You sound sick" the girl asked worried. She walked over to him and sat next to his laying body. "I think I have a fever" he said coughing. "I'll go grab you some lemon tea, those always help me" She said rubbing the back of his head. "K" he responded dryly. Y/n left her stuff on his desk and headed to the cafeteria.
Mattia pov
Today I woke up kinda early and sick. I'm not sure why but I did. I slept by myself last night because y/n slept over at Alejandro's dorm for their anniversary. I was happy for them of course but they've been kinda distant lately. I'm pretty sure its because Alejandro's cheating with Delany, and it honestly makes me so mad but I just dont have the guts to tell y/n."Heyy...again. I got you your tea" y/n said. She put it on their nightstand and layed next to him. "So how was *cough* your night with Alejandro?" He asked. "It was pretty good though he was kinda quiet." the girl responded "yea he's been kinda off lately" He agreed. Mattia knows that he's cheating but he doesn't know how to tell the girl. "Idk..maybe hes just not feeling his best" she said.
"Hey babe, hope you're doing well :) Just wanted to check on you, call me when you have the chance, I love you"
"Hey I'm doing fine, I love you too babe ❤"
February 25, 2021
"Hey you've been kinda off lately"
"Do you maybe want to talk?"Y-"Mattia?"
Y-"Can Alexis come over?"
Y/n texted Alexis for her to come over and she agreed.
Y-"she said yes and shes gonna bring snacks"
Time skip
Alexis, Mattia, and y/n were watching movies, eating snacks and just chilling. Even though Mattia was sick they tried to make it work-they also wanted to make Mattia feel better.
Y-"Hey Ally?"
Y-"Do you wanna sleep over?"
The three spent the night laughing and having fun.
A/n pov
Next chapters gonna be more interesting dont worry :)

FanficY/n, a sex demon comes to earth to have sex with Mattia. She then brings him back with her to another universe. They then become close but what happens when they realize they have fallen in love? [DISCONTINUED BUT MIGHT BE CONTINUED IN THE FUTURE]