Chapter 13

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Bakugo walks to school dreading the moment he walks into class. Simply because he doesn't want Iida or Uraraka to talk to him. Especially Uraraka because of last night no he isn't interested in her but better safe than sorry. Bakugo sits at his desk doing his ignoring everyone until class starts. Everything is normal and everyone's quiet. That is until they're told about the sports festival that gets the whole class excited. Except for Bakugo, he didn't really care he was worried about villains to be exact he was worrying about Midoriya. If he managed to kill so many people without being caught then that meant people didn't know what he looked like. He could get into the sports festival and watch without anyone knowing he was a villain. He looks so pure you'd never guess he could be killing millions.
Bakugo looks at Aizawa "why would we have the sports festival when villains just recently attacked us?"
"I understand your concerns however villains wouldn't dare attack-"
"I'm not worried about them attacking us! I'm worried about them watching us! A bunch of heroes in training fighting each other? They'd get to see our quirks figure out our weaknesses! Villains could be watching in person or from home and we wouldn't even know!"
This silences the class they look at each other agreeing silently that Bakugo was right. How could they not? He made really good points so Aizawa steps in.
He raises his hand to silence the whispers "I understand your worries but even if they do watch you'll grow by the time the next sports festival even arrives your weaknesses will have changed so stop worrying we have it all under control"

Quirkless but dangerous (quirkless villain Deku)Where stories live. Discover now