Chapter 38

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Bakugo walks into the classroom noticing Uraraka wasn't there yet. He goes to his desk and looks out the window. He couldn't help but wonder where she was. That thought was put to an end when she walked up to his desk.
Bakugo looks at her "where were you?"
Uraraka looks away before looking back "Deku gave me and Iida a note"
Bakugo's eyes widen "what did it say?"
Uraraka closes her eyes "it said you told him to jump off a roof"
Bakugo stares at Uraraka with wide eyes. He swore his heart stopped how do you answer something like that.
Uraraka was holding her hands to her chest "even... even if you did tell him that I can tell you wouldn't do something like that again"
Bakugo laughs softly he was relieved that Uraraka didn't hate him. He stands and hugs Uraraka tightly her eyes widened. She didn't expect this but she was glad it's happening. She hugs back letting calmness wash over her. Tears fall down Bakugo's face he was so terrified in the moment and then so happy. How could he not cry? Uraraka pulls away from the hug to wipe away the tears.
Bakugo grabs her hand softly "thank you..."
"For what?"
"For not letting that information change how you see me"
Uraraka smiles "of course"
Uraraka slowly pulls her hand away "though I don't know how Iida feels about this"
Bakugo's breath hitches he forgot that Iida got the same note. Bakugo looks at Iida's desk he was looking over at them.
Bakugo looks at Uraraka "walk over to him with me?"
Uraraka nods taking Bakugo's hand and walking over to Iida. Bakugo doesn't dare look Iida in the eye as he stands.
Iida pulls Bakugo into a hug "I know you don't like physical affection but I feel like this is needed"
Uraraka smiles and joins the hug. Bakugo starts crying he could hardly handle this he didn't care if the whole class was staring. He was just glad to know that his friends didn't hate him because of his past.

Quirkless but dangerous (quirkless villain Deku)Where stories live. Discover now