The Final War

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So after Ink Well opened a portal and left. Maréah returned to everyone, and after all of the falisfy bears disappeared, maréah stood in front of everyone and said: In three days, Ink well will return and then we will have war. And he will be returning with his army. And we have ours. There's a field up a ways from here, that is where I told him the war will be.

Xanathan said: Which side? Which field?

Maréah said: The one on the right. or both, or the one on the left, I don't know. Whichever one he'll show up on. The point is!, that is where the war will be.

Chief Koonga said: okay, so?!, where are we going to stay during those three days?

Xanathan, and everyone was thinking for awhile, and then Xanathan said: I know a place.

Lexana smiled, and said: Where?

Xanathan said: it's a ways from here, and although the ground is bare, it will do.

Maréah said: Where is it father?

Xanathan said: it's on edison, I will show or tell you guys once we are there.

Maréah grinned, and said: Or we can just go by portal?, it'll be faster.

Xanathan grinned, and then said: Yes, of course. I didn't think about that. So, shall we go?

After everyone nodded their heads, they put away their swords and weapons. And than Xanathan opened a portal, and they went through.

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And as they were in the portal, marten looked at Andrea and said: it is good to be back in the states. Oh! How I missed America.

Andrea laughed a little, and then said: you have any kids Felix?

"Maréah overheard", and after marten said “No”. Maréah went up to marten and said: Felix?!, you're Felix roofy?

As everyone walked closer to the exit of the portal, marten said: That is my nickname.

Maréah said: This Whole Time, you "Felix roofy" was with us and I didn't even notice. I am glad to see you are alright, Felix.

After they came to the exit, they stopped in front of it, and after marten said "Me too"., Xanathan turned to face everyone, and said: There is a house that is right beside this land we are staying on. But however, the people who live there can be Quite picky about things, and may as us to leave. So... Whatever happens, just let me handle it.

After everyone said “okay”., lexana said: why would they ask us to leave, honey?

Xanathan said: Because they are not the average “yes, we would love for you to stay” type of people.

After Lexana said “oh”. Then Xanathan and everyone exited the portal. After the portal closed behind them, marten walked around on the ground, and then he looked at Xanathan, and said: This is good ground. Absolutely perfect for sleeping on. I love it.

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Xanathan grinned, and said: Yes, it is.

Then maréah looked at the little white house that was down the hill, and said: Who lives there?

After Xanathan walked up and stood beside Maréah, he said: The people who owns this property. I'm gonna go talk to them.

After Xanathan walked away, Maréah turned to look at Lexana, and then said: who is he going to go talk to mom?

Lexana shook her head, and then said: I dont know. I've never met them.

Maréah said: Oh?!... Well!, shouldn't we have gone with him?

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