Anna, The Savior and Queen of Vina part 2

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Xanathan said: it's a fifty-foot Minotaur-Dragon. And you won't be alone, we'll be right there beside you the whole time, so No Worries.

Lexana pressed herself against Xanathan's seat, whispered in Xanathan's ear, and said: do you think we should tell her Xanathan?

Xanathan then turned his head, and said: Now is not the time Lexana. Maybe later when we're at Vina.

After Lexana sat back in her seat, Maréah looked at Lexana and said: Tell who what?!

Lexana smiled at Maréah and said: we will tell you once we are back in Vina.

After they passed back over the bridge and into Lambeth, and then finally Farnham, Anna said: you don't have to go to the Restroom again, do you Maréah?

“at that same time, Xanathan texted William to let them know that they are on their way”. After Anna said that, Maréah said: No, I do not.

After Anna said “good, good". Lexana looked out the window, when Xanathan said: Maréah!? About your sister, "lillyana". She told me before we left, that she's gonna be going to college, and she may only be there for a few days, when we go back.

Maréah “in a sad voice” said: oh!... Well at least I'll get to see her for those few days.

Anna said: Who's that?

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Xanathan said: Lillyana is Maréah's older sister. By ten years. She's your age Anna.

Anna “because she noticed a hooded person standing in the middle of the road”, stopped the car and said: No!, Him?!

Everyone looked out the windshield, as the hooded person looked back at them. And Maréah “to Xanathan” said: think he or she is friendly?

After Maréah said that, a sword appeared from the hooded persons hand.

Xanathan got out, then Maréah and Lexana got out, and after Anna got out, everyone's sword appeared in their hand.

Looking at the hooded person, Xanathan said: Who are you? And what is it that you want?

The hooded person put down their hoodie, "it was a girl", and the girl said: My Name is Amarilla Amarillo. I was sent here by The witch “Gerah”. She told me to find King Xanathan. I Take It That you (she looked at and pointed at Xanathan) Are King Xanathan, Right?

After she stopped pointing, Xanathan said: I know Gerah, she is a good witch. Why has she sent you to me, Amarilla? It must be very important.

After everyone's swords disappeared, Amarilla said: she sent me to help you with that war, which is soon to come.

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Xanathan then looked at Anna, and then back to Amarilla and said: that is very good. We can use more Allies to help finally destroy Ink well, and his Army, once and for all, and for good. Now!, we must get back to the campus where the other three are. Amarilla!, Are you gonna come with us?

Amarilla said: No, I am heading now to other worlds, to gather your army. Just as Gerah had instructed me to do. Then I will be back.

Xanathan Quickly said: Before you and we depart, where is it, that this war will be?

Amarilla said: One step at a time, my King!.

Then a portal opened up behind Amarilla, and after she bowed, she left.

After the portal closed, Anna at Xanathan and said: haha, her name in translation means "yellow yellow".

After Xanathan “yeah.” Maréah said: shouldn't we go?

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