Anna who?; Merlin

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Xanethia grinned and said: you are good people, Allies. You would do the same. And you must get some rest, you've got a big Journey ahead of you.

So after Xanathan went to bed, and Xanethia left. Maréah got up from the bed, left the room, and walked down this golden hallway. She walked about halfway and than stopped dead in her tracks, because that same female apparition appeared in front of her and said: death is coming. Turn back, Turn back, Turn back, while you still have a chance.

Maréah "Being fearless", said: what are you talking about? Who are you?

The female apparition " in a deep cry", said: my name is Breena. "DEATH" is coming. It is not a human, But a beast from Hell. Hurry! My dear child, you must leave this city right now.

After Breena opened a portal, Maréah said: I can't leave my family behind.

Breena looked at Maréah and said: that beast is here in the Temple. It's what took your friend, that guy. That is why he is not in sight. The beast took your friend when he came into this Temple.

Maréah's face dropped with sadness, and said: you talkin' about Melvin?

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After Breena said "Yes", Maréah said: He was a good person. He didn't deserve to die.

Breena pointed her head to the ground, then looked up to maréah and said: Go!, be with your family. Tell them exactly what I told you.

So after Breena closed the portal, Maréah turned around and walked away. As Maréah returned to her room, Breena vanished.

As Maréah sat on her bed, thinking about what Breena had told her, Andrea walked in and sat right beside her. Andrea " After she sat down", looked at Maréah and said: You alright?

Maréah cried a little, and then suddenly just hugged Andrea and cried in her arms, and said: The beast got Melvin.

Andrea got a little sad and said: How?

Maréah wiped her eye's after she sat back up, she then looked at Andrea and said: when he came up in the Temple, the beast snatched him, and Tore him up and ate him.

Andrea was kinda confused and said: How do you know that Maréah?

Maréah looked at Andrea with tears falling from her cheeks, and said: Breena told me in the hallway.

Andrea got up from the bed, looked at Maréah and said: why did you go in the hallway?

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Maréah wiped her tears and said: I was just exploring.

"Andrea took a deep breath, *inhaled, and then exhaled*", and than said: Maréah, you know you shouldn't go exploring by yourself, you know that.

Maréah lowered her head towards the ground in a sad manner, she then stood up to face Andrea eye to eye, and said: I know, but everyone was asleep, and I didn't want to wake anyone.

Andrea put both her hands together, below her navel, and said: Maréah, you could've came and wake me up, and I would've gone with you.

*Maréah stood five-feet away from Andrea*, but Maréah looked at Andrea and said: I'm going to Avenge for Melvin's death. I'm going to kill that beast of burden for good.

After Maréah said that, they both heard the laughter of a little girl. They both looked high and low, and everywhere for it, but it was no where to be found. Than Maréah looked out the doorway, and saw a little girl " About 6 or 7", down the hallway, peeking out a door on the right. So Maréah ran down the hallway to that little girl. "Andrea followed behind".

Maréah: The 13th yearWhere stories live. Discover now