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notsageceleste: my favorite boys

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notsageceleste: my favorite boys. welcome to the world, harry james potter.
tagged: siriusblack, jamespotter, lilyevanspotter

lilyevanspotter: never thought i'd see the day where sage celeste fontaine would admit her love for children

         ↳notsageceleste: when that child is my godbaby and will one day call me auntie sage, of course i'll love him with everything in me

jamespotter: glad to know that harry's got the scariest woman on the planet on his side

         ↳notsageceleste: as soon as he's old enough to talk, i'm teaching him every single bad word in the book just to piss you off
          ↳lilyevanspotter: if you teach my child the word fuck i'll bury you alive
         ↳notsageceleste: oh i won't start out with fuck, i'll start off slow and steady with ass and shit
          ↳lilyevanspotter: over my dead body
          ↳notsageceleste: that can be arranged

siriusblack: i would post one of you holding him but you refuse to be photographed while looking happy

          ↳notsageceleste: and that is well within my rights

Miss Fontaine,
I find it quite strange to be writing a former student, especially for such a critical reason. As you most likely know from your years of being taught by me, I will occasionally be a channel for prophecies and predictions. And in my dreams last night, well, I'm sorry to say that the things I saw directly revolved around you. You're probably asking yourself how I know it was you. Well, I have not taught many French girls in my decade of educating young witches and wizards. And I heard the voice of a woman screaming in French, and then, later, a French lullaby.
I understand from your student file at Hogwarts that you have experienced quite a bit of loss in your life. In my dream, unfortunately, that loss isn't over.
I hope you like children, Miss Fontaine. Because I saw three children under your care in the future. Congratulations! I think.
Be well.
Sybil Trelawney

back 2 bed// repost bc something got cut off

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