The Boys Who Lived

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Everything starts off at number four, privet drive where we find ourselves now. Inhabiting this three bedroom bouse is a normal, actually perfectly normal family. Their names? The Dursleys. Mr and Mrs Dursley normally  kept to themselves apart from the occasional peek across the neighbours fence or a little snipet of conversation that is spoken at the firm Mr. Dursley works at. They share a son who's name is Dudley. If anyone were to look in from their living room window (but who would do that?) they would think,

"Oh, what a pleasantly normal family!"

And they would walk away without ever questioning this family again. Although if you were to look a little closer you might notice two twin boys sat in the corner mostly keeping to themselves. They are the Dursleys secret. How did the Potters come to stay at their Uncle and Aunts? Easiest way to put it. The boys parents had died. In a car crash. Well. We both know the truth. When Mr and Mrs Dursley had awoken on a normal dull grey morning, they had no idea that two sleeping twin boys were sat on their doorstep, waiting for Mr. Dursley to open the door for work.

Our story starts ten years later on Dudley Dursleys birthday in front of a cupboard under the stairs.


I know it's short but I promise the next chapters will be longer! Also I'll be introducing more p.o.vs because narrated p.o.vs can be boring if repeated.


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