The Forbidden Forest

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

We walked down to Hagrids hut to see Draco and Filtch already there. Hagrid came out holding a cross bow over his shoulder and Filtch left with a nasty smirk. "Off we go then." Hagrid said and with that we headed towards the Forest. "Are we going the wrong way?" I asked and Hagrid shook his head without saying a word.

We had only gone a little bit into the woods when a puddle of silvery water glinted at us under the moonlight. Hagrid bent down and smeared some across his fingers. "We're looking for an injured unicorn tonight. Nasty thing to do to one. You get a terrible curse even if you do become immortal. Harry, (Y/n) and Draco, you go that way. Hermione and Ron you come with me." They went to walk off as Draco called after Hagrid. "Fine but we get Fang!" We heard a scoff before Hagrid answered. "He's a huge wimp but take him."

Draco lead us deeper through the trees with Fang by his side. We walked for what seemed half an hour before turning into a little to find what looked like a man hovering over a unicorn. Draco screamed and dropped the lantern he was holding. He turned and ran with Fang right behind him as Harry dropped to the floor with his hand on his scar.

I looked over and got a searing pain in my scar, just about dealing with the pain. The creature turned to us and started heading towards us but a huge horse like figure leaped into its path and scared it off.

The centaur stood proudly in front of us before introducing itself. "My name is Firenze. You two shouldn't be wandering around in the woods alone at this time. Or in fact, any time." The rest of the group came running into the clearing and Firenze looked up. "Hagrid." The centaur bowed slowly before looking up. They looked past him and I heard Hermione gasp as she stared at the unicorns body. After the centaur realised we would be safe with Hagrid, he left without another word and we walked back the way we came.

We walked off without Draco who was about halfway up to the castle already. "You-know-who can't touch you while you're at Hogwarys Harry." Hermione started. "He's the only person he's afraid of. As long as Dumbledore is around, You-know-who can't touch you."

And that was the last thing everyone said as we made our way back to the common room. Draco was already tucked up deep beneath the covers and I laughed softly before getting into my own bed.


Sorry its short and published late! I got back from work and had to cook tea/dinner for my family. Hope you enjoyed!


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