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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

As soon as I left my dormitory and the common room, I was followed by whispers and muttering. I tried to ignore it as I walked on my own to my first lesson. Checking my timetable I realised that my lesson was down in the dungeons, double potions. I sighed and doubled back, still being followed by people talking about me. I caught small things about the conversation but the thing I heard most was "Potter".

When I finally got down to our classroom I sat at the back on the side for the Slytherins as we shared potions with Gryffindor. I put my head in my hands as I got a hard slap on the back. Jolting upright I looked behind to see Harry with a massive grin on his face. "Nice to see you here (Y/n)"

I rolled my eyes and smiled back. "And how did you manage to get into Gryffindor and I didn't?" He shrugged. "Pure luck" I shook my head. "I saw you muttering something Harry". His cheeks turned a pale pink. "You must be seeing things. I didn't do anything at all" He shrugged and walked away before I could ask another question.

Draco, Theadore and Blaise immediately spotted me and made their way over. "You'll be I'm for a treat today, Potter" He spat my second name like poison as our Proffesor walked in. "Be quiet for roll call. If I call your name reply with 'here'". The name 'Proffesor Snape' was written on the chalkboard behind him. I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that he was our head of year.

He paused while calling our names just to make a snarky comment. "Ah yes. This year's new celebrities. (Y/n) and Harry Potter?" Draco sniggered beside me as we let out a small "Here". He finished the attendance and got straight into the lesson.

"You're all here to learn the science and expertise of potion making. I will teach you all how to bottle fame, brew glory or even put a stopper to death." The class was hooked on each and every one of his words before Snape spoke again. "Potter! Either one of you. I don't care. What would you get if I added powdered root of aphsodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Harry shrugged and looked down. "Cleary fame isn't everything" Snape sneered and turned to me. "Um a sleeping potion sir. Called the draught of living death." Snape nodding and continued.

"Where would you look to find a bezoar?" Harry, again, shrugged his shoulders. "The stomach of a goat" I answered again.

"What's the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Harry sheepishly spoke up this time. "I don't know sir. Ask (Y/n)" Snape scoffed. "He obviously read his books before coming here, Potter" He turned to me, expecting the answer. "It's the same, sir" Snape nodded. "And why aren't you copying this down?" He turned back to Harry as he suddenly started scribbling things down. "1 point will be taken from Gryffindow and 1 point shall be added to Slytherin" I nodded as a thanks as everyone wrote down the questions and answers of what was just said.

The lesson went by fast and I walked with Harry and Ron. "Where are we actually going?" I turned to Harry and Ron. Ron just shrugged. "Hagrids. Why did he take house points off when it's only a couple questions I couldn't answer." Harry rolled his eyes as Ron spoke up. "You should be lucky, Harry. He takes more points from Fred and George."

As soon as Harry knocked, loud barking sounded from within. Ron jumped back slightly as a rough voice told the dog to shut up. "Fang I swear I'll take you to the forbidden forest if yah don't shut up." Hagrid opened up the door and smiled as he looked at us three. "(Y/n) I weren't expecting you. Nice surprise that is. Who's this?" He points to Ron as we introduced him.

"Make yerselves at home you lot." We sat down around a small table as Hagrid plated up some rock cakes and poured us all tea. The rock cakes were hard so I didn't touch them, in fear they would break my teeth. The tea looked grey and washed out so I took small sips to be polite. Harry launched into a little rant about Mr. Filch and his cat before starting about todays potion lesson. "It's like he hates me!" He finished off as Hagrid shook his head.

"Don't worry bout Filch and as fer Snape, he's got no reason to hate ya." Harry shook his head but didn't say anything as Hagrid looked out the window. "It's getting dark, yer lot should head back." We all nodded and said goodbye after getting Fang's slobber all over our robes. We headed up to the castle and went our separate ways.

As soon as I got to my bed, my head hit the pillow and I went to sleep immediately.


A little longer than the last chapter! Hope you lot like reading as much as I like writing it. I may be starting a new job so I'll probably start writing a little less. Maybe three times a week. I'll let you know if I get the job and if the book will be effected :)


Should We? (Draco x Male!Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now