The first Match

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

The next day I sat at the Slytherin table staring at my empty plate. Today was the first match I'd be playing after all the training I'd had. Me, Harry and Ron had stayed up late last night talking about how Snape was limping. Harry seemed to think he was trying to get past the three headed dog and I didn't really know what to think.

Breakfast ended and I walked straight to the Slytherin locker room. "Everyone play hard today. We're against those Gryffindors and they've got a new seeker as well." Everyone nodded and walked out in a single line as Gryffindor walked next to us. Everyone was cheering in the raised stands as we kicked off.

Gryffindor got the quaffle as soon as we kicked off. It was between teams for a while before Gryffindors scored the first point. Me and Harry were flying high to try and spot out the snitch as the game continued. I saw a tiny flash of gold in the corner of my eye but as soon as I turned to catch it, it was gone.

I sighed slowly as we scored some more, a lot more than the Gryffindors at this point. I couldn't see the snitch anywhere. I looked up to see Harry's broom twitch slightly. It started getting more violent as the minutes went past.

Everybody turned to watch and after a while of holding on, it bucked and Harry slipped off. He managed to stay on with one hand so I raced over and pulled him onto my broom.

After a couple minutes his broom had calmed down enough for the match to continue. I helped him back on before circling to find the snitch. Before long, Harry had dived and I raced to catch up with him.

We were heading towards the floor at rapid speed and before I could pull my broom up, it caught the floor and I was sent flying along with Harry.

I landed with a groan before struggling to get up and limping over to Harry. I helped him up as he started coughing. It looked like he was about to puke as his mouth opened and out came the golden snitch. "Gryffindor has caught the snitch!" The gryffindor team came down to celebrate as I walked off to the side. "However, with Slytherins play, they've managed to tie!"

I walked back to the changing rooms and quickly headed back to find Harry, Ron and Hermione. We walked down to Hagrids hut and we all got some washed out grey tea again. "It was Snape" Hermione was saying. "As soon as he took his eyes off Harry's broom, it went back to normal."

Hagrid had been shaking his head the entire time. "He's a proffesor. Why would he do that to a student?" We all had no idea as we sat around the table, slowly drinking our tea. Harry was the first to speak up after the silence. "Snapes trying to steal whatever you took out from the vault you visited when we went to Gringots. He's trying to get past that three headed dog."

Hagrid looked up at us in shock. "You know about fluffy?" I laughed slightly. "That things got a name?" Hagrid nodded before continuing.

"Yeah. I gave him to Dumbledore to guard the-" He realised he'd said too much as he suddenly cut off. "Yes?" I questioned. Hagrid shook his head and stood up abruptly before ushering us out.

"I've said too much I have." He slammed the door on us after pushing us outside. We walked back up to the castle in silence as we tried figuring out what he was going to say. I went my separate way to my common room and quickly got into bed. Not knowing what kind of things the day would hold tomorrow."


Sorry I've been so busy! I think I might have to start a schedule of when I'll post chapters.


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