Nobody but you

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   "Eat." The man commands. "There's nothing wrong with it, I promise." He continues, noticing my hesitation. The food didn't look nor smell strange, I am just paranoid. It's still very difficult for me to trust the man. Awkwardly I take a spoonful, keeping my eyes on the plate to avoid his gaze. "Why so quiet?" I hear him ask. "I have nothing to say." The man across from me chuckles humorlessly. "There's loads to talk about with you, I'm sure Mingi can attest to that am I right?" Freezing at his words I finally gaze up at him. There was a knowing smirk on his face, though those dark eyes remained emotionless. "You really are something aren't you? I can't even be upset anymore. You are quite courageous and I applaud you, coming up with such a bold plan. However, though brave you're quite foolish for thinking you can outsmart me. When will you ever learn?" Keeping my eyes locked on his I stupidly mutter, "A-are you gonna punish m-me?" His lips widens into a devilish grin. "Was killing Mingi not enough? Shall I do more?" Frantically I shake my head no, "I thought so."

   I had to admit, even though I despised having to live in the same room as V his bedroom was 10 times more comfortable than my previous one. After dinner he brought me to the bedroom telling me to behave and that he'll be back. The bedroom was humongous and absolutely gorgeous. There are many things to do in here, but I find myself conflicted on whether to explore or stay still. However the more I sat on the bed in sheer boredom, the more my itch to roam around grew." Maybe if I just listen for footsteps I can get back on the bed before getting caught. Listening to my inner voice I carefully slide off the bed. These days my leg is practically normal again but I do still wear my brace. Granted, I never had proper treatment so I limp when walking and the bone isn't completely healed and in it's original condition. Nevertheless it's better than before. I try to be as silent as possible with every step I take. Firstly walking over to the grand piano that sat next to the large, wooden bookcase I sit on the bench brushing my fingers over the polished keys. Gently I play the song that is forever stuck into my mental Rolodex. It made me reminisce the days at home when everything was normal. The days when I was still loved, when I was still safe, when I was still innocent. My father taught me how to play the piano since I was four years old up until the day I never saw them again. Ever since then, I swore to never touch a piano as it only reminded me of the painful memories that remain stained into my mind. This song ('Humdrum days' by Franz Gordon) was my father's favorite and I would play it for him all the time. Tears spilled over my waterline, splashing down my plush cheeks as my fingertips moved by muscle memory. Once the song ended, clapping could be heard from the bedroom door. I froze, my heart jumping up my throat blocking my airway. How could I forget about him? Instantly I get up from the bench, moving away from the piano.  "I-I'm s-sorry." I stutter an apology, head hanging low.  "You must really want a punishment. It hurts me to see you all bruised and battered doll, but you make it so difficult. Keeping things civil is so hard when you insist on being stubborn." He tells me seemingly amused. "Hmm." I watch as he pretends to be in thought.  "What should your punishment be, since your brain is full of ideas?" He asks mockingly, dark eyes taunting me to respond. I keep quiet though, mind completely blanking out.  "Oh don't be silent now, you sure had allot to say when Mingi was around? Is it because you have no one to run to anymore?" He spits cruelly, throwing salt in my wound. It hurts every time he brings up the green haired male. Those images of his mutilated body still burn in my memory. Gazing into the boss's eyes I feel a surge of fury crawl through my body, filling me with rage. The man who took everything left of me, I hate him. "I hate you." I tell him, tone filled with venom. His features scrunched up into a look of offense. "You hate me yet I'm the only person you have." He states, matter of factly.   "No you're not, you can hardly count as a person!" I deny and he laughs at me wholeheartedly. "Who else then? Your parents kicked you out because they didn't accept you! Everyone you thought were your friends are working for me! Who are you gonna run to?! Your abusive ex?! Want another man to throw you around and treat you like shit?!" I felt my heart drop from the impact of his words. That shit hurt, it hurt worse than any physical pain he's inflicted on me. The burning in my chest intensified once I realized that only Hoseok knew that information, so he must have told V. My eyes stung from the salty tears that soaked through my lashes. Mingi was right when he said not to trust anyone no matter what. It sucks when you have nobody to rely on, nobody that's truly on your side.  "That's what I thought." He speaks out after my moment of silence.

    "Stop moving." V groans in frustration. I whimper at the tightening of his arms around my waist. "S-sorry." I mumble meekly, afraid to upset him too much. Things finally cooled down when he got us ready for bed. And though I'm relieved that the tension isn't on a high anymore, I couldn't shake off his words from earlier. The longer I lay here the more it sunk in... I really have nobody but him.

A.N~ lol so I decided to keep writing this story. I somehow found motivation 😌💜💜💜

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