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      Laying on my bed, I flinch at the stinging sensation on my shoulder

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      Laying on my bed, I flinch at the stinging sensation on my shoulder. This isn't my first tattoo  but, I haven't gotten a tattoo in a few years so this one hurts a bit more than usual. What the hell am I supposed to do in here. There's no TV, no books, hell there isn't even a window. I'm just trapped here...wait. The bathroom has a small window, I can try to escape there. The window is big enough for me to fit through, at least I think it is. I unlock the latch on top of the window and slide it up. I'm surprised they didn't put some type of heavy duty lock on the window. Quickly and stealthily I hop out of the window which was stupid of me. Well this whole plan is stupid because I know there are cameras and security everywhere, at least that's what Mingi told me. But I'm just desperate, desperate enough to escape this place before anything really crazy happens. I am so desperate that I didn't realize that the window and the ground had a far amount of distance. So my landing wasn't very graceful which caused me a great deal of pain. An intense, sharp pain shot up my right leg causing me to crumple to the ground. I covered my mouth with speed, trying not to make myself too noticeable by making noise. Holding back screams of pain was harder than I thought but I continued to hold my mouth tightly. Looking down at my injured leg, I notice how my ankle has swelled up significantly. Fuck my life. Whatever, just get up. You can't stop now, definitely not. I try to motivate myself and I do get up, only to fall back down. "Fuck!" Realizing my mistake, I cover my mouth again and pray that no one heard my outburst. Instead of walking I decide to try and crawl, hoping that could get me somewhere. To my dismay as soon as I moved I felt something hard pressing against the side of my skull. Looking up I'm surprised to see Jungkook standing there, glaring at me. "What are you doing out here?" His tone was stone cold and his eyes were void of any emotion. My eyes traveled to what was pressed against my head and my blood went cold. This mother fucker had a gun. "Jungkook please help me. You're my friend right? You wouldn't kill me." I rambled, trying to hold myself together. The younger male just chuckled but it wasn't because something was funny. "I don't decide that Jiminie. If anything I'm supposed to take you to boss." I shake my head no frantically, I probably looked insane. "Jungkookie please, don't bring me to him. I'll just stay in my room, you can put as many locks as you want. As long as I don't have to see him." I begged and pleaded. The boss is so frightening I don't want to know what will happen if I'm taken to him. "God you look so pathetic, I almost feel bad. But a job is a job and my duty is to stay loyal to V and Reign." His voice was harsh, and the look he gave me read nothing but disgust. How can he be so heartless? What happened to the Jungkook I know? Maybe I never knew him. Maybe that was all an act, same goes for Namjoon and Yoongi. Despite his words, I give one more attempt, "Jungkook my leg is broken, I literally can't even walk. Please spare me the trouble." The taller said nothing and grabbed my shoulders, pulling me up roughly. I cried out at the pain that coursed through my injured leg. Ignoring my obvious discomfort, Jungkook began to drag me towards the mansion entrance. Soon enough my whimpers turned into loud, uncontrollable sobs. People gazed at us with bored expressions, they must be used to this type of scene. We stopped suddenly and Jungkook turned around glaring at me. "Shut up!" He screamed in my face. If anything it didn't make me want to shut up. I hate when people yell at me. Especially with my past, it's triggering. In this situation though, I just have to suck it up.

     Finally we reached V's office. Jungkook types the the pass code with one hand, and held me with the other. As expected V was sitting there, in all his glory. I watched timidly as his dark eyes scanned my battered appearance. "What happened?" He asks, yet his tone was disinterested. Jungkook opened his mouth to speak, but was waved off by the boss. "I want to hear him speak." V says looking in my direction. This was all too overwhelming. First of all, my leg is broken and I'm forced to stand on it. Secondly, I have to face a fucking mafia boss who can easily murder me. Plus someone who I thought would have my back, clearly doesn't. "I-I was j-just trying to u-um... l-leave." I stuttered, looking at him to gauge his reaction. As usual his face was expressionless, except for a glint of something in his eyes that I couldn't read. "So you tried to escape, but Jungkook caught you." I nod at his conclusion. "What's wrong with your leg?" He asks, with one eyebrow raised. "I-I'm pretty sure i-it's broken." He looks at me with an amused expression, "And why is that?" Why must he interrogate me now?  "B-because I-I tried to climb out of the w-window." He hummed like he understood. "Jungkook you're dismissed." V stated, never taking his eyes off of me. Jungkook goes to leave, meaning he can't hold me up anymore. I collapse on the cold, wooden floor, causing me to scream in agony. The boss doesn't react and continues to eye me. Now that we're alone together, I begin to worry. The look in his eyes is warning me that nothing good is gonna happen. "Come here." V's deep voice rings around the room. "I-I c-can't." I hesitate to say and the other male's eyes darken. "I said come here." He repeats with a bit more force and I flinch at his tone. Gathering all the strength I had, I shakily attempt to get up and scream in pain when I fell back down. Just get up Jimin, you can do this. Not wanting to give up, I push my self up and slowly stand up. Very slowly I make my way towards the mafia leader, whimpering every step I take. Once I'm actually close to him, he smiles at me. But it's mocking and not genuine. "Good boy." I glare at him, not amused by his faux praise. "Now, you've displayed acts of disobedience and that's never tolerated. And you'll find out really quickly why you don't ever want to disobey me again." I'm scared about what he has planned. Who knows what kind of sick and twisted things he could come up with. "Pull down your pants." He ordered with a domineering tone. I fumble with my jean button and zipper. My hands were shaking so much, that I had a hard time pulling them down. When they were finally down, I was flipped so that my body was bent over his desk. I heard him walk off and come back, I presume to get something. What in the world could he be do-. My thought was cut off as something was struck against the back of my thighs. Feeling the harsh stinging sensation, I screamed like someone was murdering me. He continued to stike my thighs, ass, and lower back over and over. I couldn't hold in my wails and sobs as my body endured the overbearing pain. My legs were giving in on me. Which didn't help the pain from the pressure I've been putting on my broken leg. "I-I'm s-sorry. I'm s-so sorry. Please stop- ahh." I pleaded and sobbed and screamed out , but it's like he blocked me out because he didn't stop. He didn't even slow down. Once he finally did stop, he said nothing and walked away. He just left me there, bent over his desk sobbing. I bet I have welts all over my backside, due to the amount of force he put into giving me lashes. Stuck in the same position, I have not made any effort to get up as I had no strength left. So I stood there, crying until I couldn't any longer.

A.N~ I finally updated this story. Poor Jiminie, I know things are going terribly but things in this story will get worse before they get better. Hopefully you enjoyed this update. xoxo

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