First mission

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     It's been a few days since I tagged along with V

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It's been a few days since I tagged along with V. That whole experience had me shook, and best believe that man had V's money the next day. In a twisted way I felt in awe of V. It made me curious of what it's like to hold so much power over others. I'm always the victim, never the victor. The thought alone was enough to make me angry. I wince at the pain in my lower back, as I get up to take a bath. In the tub I rid my body of the stench of sex. Wrapped in a fresh towel I walk into the bedroom where V sat in all his glory, on the king sized bed. I had spent my time getting washed up mustering the courage to talk to V and here he was. "Doll." He says as a greeting, planting a kiss on my forehead then my lips. "C-can I request something?" "Go for it." He responds nonchalantly, though it didn't help my nerves. "Would it be ok i-if I tag along more business excursions, a-and maybe help... if I can." I ask tentatively, anticipating his response. His face remained unbothered, though I could tell he was thinking of something. "You won't try to kill me again right?" My blood ran cold, memories of that incident flashing in my mind. Though V's roaring laughter broke me out of those thoughts. I realized that he was messing around making me laugh as well for the first time in what feels like forever. "No, never trying that again."

"You know how to use a gun?" Hoseok asks me. Lucky me, my first mission is spent with people I hate. It would've been much better if I went with V or anyone else honestly. Definitely would've preferred that over being stuck with traitors. "I know the basics." I answer monotonously. "Who taught you that?" Jungkook inquires, finally speaking to me. The entire time beforehand he ignored my presence as if I didn't exist, but all of a sudden he's acknowledging me. "Why does it matter?" I bite, feeling the wrath bubble up in my gut. "I suggest you don't start to act up cause I can easily blow your brains out right now." He features scrunched up in a look of offense. "You wouldn't." And Jungkook grins, "You can't." I add desperately, but his smirk widened. A sadistic expression taking over his usually nonchalant one. "V doesn't care, if that's what you thought.", "Sure he'll be upset for doing so without his permission but he'll get over you." He puts emphasis on the last part, rubbing more salt in my wounds. And though his words hurt, I refused to believe them. I couldn't or the final thread of what's left of my sanity would finally snap. "That isn't true." I seethe, teeth gritted in defense. "Oh. It's not? Let's test it out right now then huh?" And the ravenette pulled out his gun. "Jungkook!" Hoseok snaps, shooting bullets at him through his eyes. "Shut the fuck up!" Jungkook rolls his eyes, but keeps quiet as per request from the eldest. For the rest of the ride I couldn't relax. Plaguing thoughts of Jungkook's words intruding my brain nonstop. 'Does V really not care about me even a little bit?' He treats me like I'm his prized possession, hence the nickname 'doll'. I thought I was more important, at least more than any other whore or servant. This whole thing is really fucking with my head.

Feeling the car come to a halt brought my attention back to the task at hand. "We're here." Hoseok states and I glance out the window. We stopped in front of a row of apartment buildings. They looked relatively nice, the outside rather clean and exterior unscathed. Before leaving Hoseok briefly filled me in about our objective. In short we're supposed to kill this drug dealer named 'Mo', he never told me his real name. Reign supplied drugs to him to sell. He was supposed to give all of the money to Reign members and once the money gets to V, V will give him a certain percentage back. However, apparently he went out of his way upcharging the drugs so that he can take a chunk out of the money "without V noticing". He thought he was slick, thought that he was outsmarting V. I learned the hard way, countless times. We all went into the middle building. "His house is on the 3rd floor, apartment number 16." Hoseok informs Jungkook and I.

We put on our masks that covered the lower half of our faces before approaching the designated house. It took a couple of harsh knocks for someone to finally open the door. Instead of some thuggish looking man, like I expected, there was a woman holding a toddler. Her eyes doubled in size at the sight of the three of us. "Minho! Who the hell do you have coming to our house?!" She yells, voice slightly wavering. The little boy began to squirm in her arms, whining. Soon Mo, or Minho came to the door looking perplexed. You can see by the way his face fell that he knew he was in for some shit. "May I help you?" He asked in an attempt of professionalism. "Quit fucking around. You know why we're here." Jungkook spits obviously trying to cut to the chase. "I have no clue why you're here." Mo claims, playing innocent. "You wanted to try and play us like a fool. It proves how much a dumbass you are for even thinking you'll be able to outsmart us." "That wasn't me, I promise. You got the wrong guy." He sputtered like an idiot. "You wanna continue to play dumb or I can end things right now." Jungkook threatens, pushing himself into the apartment Hoseok and I following suit. "No I can explain. My family was struggling so I did what I had to, to provide for them. I hope you understand that I had to." My heart ached for the family, it must've been tough. I'm sure the man knew he was putting his life on the line by taking such risks. Messing with V? No way you're coming out unscathed. "Is that all?" Hoseok says with a snort. "Hmm, this is your wife right? She'd make a good prostitute, we'll make hella bread from her." He adds and you can see her already terrified expression morph into mortified disbelief. "No." Minho whispers. "And don't worry, we'll take good care of your little boy." "No!" The woman screams, moving away from us, but Hoseok is quicker. He holds her with a strong hand clamped on her mouth. "Shut up!" He grits. Jungkook turns to me holding out a gun, gesturing for me to take it. "You can do the honors." I look down at the weapon. It was heavy in my hands, metal cold against my bare skin. Gazing up at my target I can see the terror oozing from his eyes. His pupils are trembling in fear, head shaking no in a silent plea. Somehow I'm not regretful as I cock the gun, aligning it straight with his head. The gun was silent making the sound of his body crumpling to the floor heavy in comparison. It was like a dream watching the life be drained from his eyes. His wife, hysterical and sobbing, tried pulling away from Hoseok's grip like a madman. The toddler, young and confused, pouring tears because his mother is crying and daddy won't wake up. It was messy scene.  "I called someone to come clean this up. Let's go." We left, not before straightening out the mother and her son. Can't have people be suspicious.

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