The fucked up truth

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   "I... I think I l-love you." I blurt before I could stop the words from ejecting. V glances at me, shock visible on his face. "No you do not." There was no mockery in his tone, no signs of kidding. I didn't know what to feel with that kind of reply. Who ever knows what to expect with this man. Nothing was said after that and I started to notice something in the following week. It was pretty subtle, very subtle actually but I noticed it nonetheless. Maybe it's just in my head but I think V has been avoiding me. Like straight up ignoring my presence. How does that make me feel? Shitty. It feels like I've worked so hard to get him to feel something, anything for me. It's all for selfish reasons honestly, I want someone to want me. I want him to want me, but more than the way he wants me. Lately he's been on more missions, more meetings, more busy. I asked to accompany him but I've been pushed aside him saying that it's beyond me. Those words never made me feel good. Makes me question whether my work and strife before wasn't enough to please him. Sometimes I find myself wanting to go back to the times where he punished me harshly, at least he paid attention then.

        "Doll? What the fuck are you doing?" I flinch at his harsh tone, ashamed by how much I loved it.  "I'm sorry." Was my knee jerk response. My doe eyes peered up at him innocently, contrasting with the way his cold eyes glared down at me. Mercilessly he grabs me by my forearm ignoring my screeches of agony. He yanks me up, digging his fingernails more into my fresh wounds. I howl out at the searing burn, eyes gushing with tears.  "What did I tell you?! Huh?!" He growls, veiny hand holding my face with an iron grip. Shaking, I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.  "Say something before I make you!"   "I-I'm s-sorry." I stutter meekly, my brain unable to compute a proper response.   "Wrong answer! Try again!" V seethes, tightening his clutch. My knees buckle at the way his fury made my stomach coil in arousal. It was repulsive honestly. How does this turn me on? I have never been into this before. Yup, I must definitely be mad.  "I-I c-can't... m-my brain h-hurts... c-can't think s-straight." I muster, basking in the man's violent hold. V's chuckles swiftly grow into a full on hearty laughter, leaving me confused.  "You must want to be punished." He tells me letting go of my wounded arm and face, instead petting my head gently. The opposite of what I want. I don't want gentle, I want it to hurt. That way I can feel something, feel any emotion from him even if it's pure rage.  Nodding my head yes I answer, "P-please punish me... I-I deserve it."  A look of what I determined as confusion washed over his features, however as quickly as it came it was over. Next came an expression so sadistic... so sinister, it made me want to shrink away. I was genuinely petrified, but when was I not with him? It was the type of horrifying that made my toes curl up in anticipation and sickening desire. Soon both of my wrists were being pulled, clasped behind my back. A rough fabric bounding them together so I was pliant unable to move my arms. V threw me onto the bed not caring about my safety.  "Since you want to bleed so damn badly, I'll make you bleed." He rasped in my ear, referring to the bloody wounds strung along my left arm. Earlier, I've grown so desperate as to use a pair of scissors I found in the bathroom to cut myself in hopes to garner V's attention. I succeeded with ease, as I knew what triggered the man. The feeling of his hard on jabbing my insides, filling me up was so overwhelming my eyes began to water.  "Shit." I whine, the urge to grip the sheets till my knuckles turned white was enticing. However, only V could untie my hands but, there was no way he would do that. All of a sudden,  the man stopped thrusting. I didn't even have time to think before the wind got knocked out of me, leaving me breathless. My immediate reaction was to scream bloody murder at the familiar searing pain. Then he got back to thrusting, sparing me not one second to recuperate. As I began to get lost in the pleasure again, another strike comes from the whip landing right on my ass cheeks.  "Ahhhh! Fuck!" I scream out, accompanying the sounds of the bed shaking rapidly. The noise from the whip alone was enough to frighten someone. It thrashed, slicing through the air making a crackling sound as it collided with my battered skin. My face was like an ocean. Salty tears ran down my puffy, red cheeks soaking the sheets below me. He continued on, pound and strike pound and strike. I felt my head spin, dizzy from the intensity of the situation. I'm sure the whip has etched itself in my skin by now, creating new marks. I felt liquid seep from the lashes that V created. I'm sure it was blood as he struck me so hard. At some point my screams became more of what sounded like a wounded animal. My throat was dry making my voice sound hoarse and spent. I ended up cumming first, V still driving into me reaching his own climax. Everything was sore. My body literally felt like it was drained of all life, completely numb. It's as though my body was trying to find a way to cope with all the abuse and trauma inflicted upon it. I sighed, relieved once I felt my wrists being untied.  "Get up, we're not done." V's husky voice stated with no room for argument. No matter how much I wanted to get up and please him my body betrayed me. I stayed planted on the mattress. Every limb felt like jelly, flimsy and weak.  "Be a good boy for me huh, I wouldn't wanna have to hurt you more." He consoled me softly, petting my hair like he would a puppy.  "I-I'm trying t-to get up. I-I can't." I said with a raised voice, giving him attitude. Clearly he see that I'm struggling, but is sadistic ass doesn't care. Impatiently the bigger man snatches me up by my raven locks, pulling me until I'm sitting on my knees. The sudden position made my limbs burn from being in the same pose for a multitude of time.  My jaw was yanked open, his dick hurriedly shoved in clogging up my mouth. V doesn't allow me to do anything, his love for dominance showing as he pistons between my lips.   "I'm gonna miss this." He whispers caressing my cheek that lost most of it's suppleness whilst being here.  What does he mean by that? His words left me puzzled though I couldn't read too much into it while he abused my mouth.

      When waking up it took me all but two seconds to realize something's not right. I groan, body sore from being in such an unnatural position. My arms were bound behind me and my eyes were covered with a fabric. Instant flashes from the beginning of this whole situation played before me. awakening a deep anxiety within me. From the way my body was vibrating I could tell I was in a vehicle, but with whom or to where it was heading I had no clue. Opening my mouth to speak I stop myself at the sudden halt of the motor. Wincing at the hands that grasped me tightly I make no move to struggle, allowing myself to be dragged out of the vehicle. So many thoughts... too many thoughts. Some hopeful, however most were pessimistic as I already knew deep down that nothing good could come out of this. All I'm really dying to know is where does V stand in all this, because he has to be the mastermind behind this.  

     "I'll take it from here. You can leave us now, thank you."  That voice... what the hell is going on here. Suddenly my vision was restored and my hands untied. I blink rapidly, waiting for my sight to focus properly.  "W-what i-is going on? W-why am I here w-with you?" The man I once thought I knew was standing in front of me. We haven't spoken to each other in a while, last time being my first mission.  "I said that I'll help you, I've kept my promise." He tells me with a reassuring smile, though that only set me off.   "Help me..." I mutter.  "HELP ME!?" My voice violently echoed across the walls and Hoseok's eyes widened in shock.  "KIDNAPPING ME AGAIN IS HELPING TO YOU?"   "No Jimin-"  "Y-you don't know w-what he's done to me these past months... or however long it's been!" I shout, neck strained. My blood boiled causing my body to heat up in rage.  "Jimin I-"    "I-I told him that I-I... t-that I l-love him Hoseok-ah. I-I told my abuser that I love him! Please tell me how fucked up that sounds!" I sob, holding my head in my hands.  "Being here has me so lost. I killed my ex, I've seen people get murdered right in front of me, I let that monster fuck me, I've been tortured, betrayed! And, and you! You have done nothing! Absolutely fucking nothing!" I scream out until my voice breaks, becoming hoarse. A throbbing sensation bloomed in my head. All the crying and screaming causing a fucking headache.  "Jimin I'm sorry, I truly cannot apologize enough. But it'll be nice if I got the chance to explain my side. It's not like I didn't want to help immediately, there had to be planning involved. You should know by now that it's not easy to run shit like this under V's nose, he's not an idiot. Listen I promised I would help so I came up with a plan. I had some other people I trust help me as well and I will get you somewhere safe ok." Hoseok explains, panting and out of breath. I too was out of breath.  "W-what a-about V? What if he finds out? W-what if he kills you?"  Hoseok looks down, heaving a sigh.  "Don't worry about all that ok. I already have it all figured out."   "But you know, this is perfect timing though. V's original plan when bringing you here was to eventually kill you and sell your organs once he's had his fun with you. However, he got too attached saying you were too good for him. Saying you loved him didn't help because that solidified that you were attached as well so that made him want to get rid of you faster. Instead of killing you, he changed his mind to prostitute you instead. So just be glad you ended up with me today." He adds, pouring more salt in my wounds. So that's why V said he'll miss this, he was going to get rid of me. I'm not sure if I was grateful that he told me or not. Maybe I'd prefer to not have heard that, but it did help drag me out of my delusional fantasy of V actually having mutual feelings. And though I knew that my "feelings" were all the by product of V's manipulation and games, I'm not gonna lie and say that it didn't hurt. Cause it did, so. fucking. bad. To hear outright that I am nothing but a pet and tool for someone's sick pleasure and business. All my life I've been told that I'm useless, by my parents, my ex, and V didn't have to tell me with words he used actions. Nothing but someone else's property to be used and abused whenever they pleased. I'm still extremely young, yet ready to give it all up.   "Hoseok hyung." I mumble, using the honorific with him for the first time in months.  "Yes Jimin?"  Gulping, I continue  "What am I gonna do out there? Where will I go?" I'm not sure I can even go back to living normally. What does that even mean anymore?   "I already have a place for you to live, rent free, bill free everything. It's not in Seoul though it'll be in Andong. Plus there'll be no need for finding a job, we have an allowance set up for you so don't fret we have everything set for you."  It all sounded too good to be true, but what's the point of doubting him. I'm already here.

(Hoseok's POV)

    After setting Jimin back in the van, I sigh heavily pulling out my phone.  "Hyung?" A deep voice rang from the other line.     "... I did it." 


A.N~ well this took forever to finish, but it's finally over. Please don't be upset w/ the ending. Honestly it was never meant to be a love story it's really just about how screwed my poor baby Jimin's life is in this. But yeah, maybe in the far future I'll make a sequel idk. Love ya'll, there are more updates and new stories coming out soon. xoxo

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