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      After that night in the club, I came to a conclusion

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After that night in the club, I came to a conclusion. In order for me to stay sane I must allow myself to go insane. Being here has put a deep crack into my mental state and I can feel my sanity slipping through my fingers. It dawned on me when I was pacing around in that bedroom last night. Maybe it was the lack of sleep that made me think such heinous thoughts, who knows? Clearly V wants me to be his little pet or doll, as he likes to call me. Something he can toy with and use whenever he chooses to. Maybe that's the key to thriving in this treacherous environment. Adapting is a natural survival tactic so that's what I'll have to do. This whole time I've been battling with my pride, though my dignity is long gone. Hobbling my way through the maze like corridors, I search for the green haired male. The searing burn that spiked inside of my injured leg no longer bothered me too much, as I was now used to the pain. Familiar laughter roared from the room before me. Immediately I was reminded of the eternally open wound in my heart that repeatedly gets ripped open again, without a chance to fully heal. The laughter triggered memories of what I recall as genuine moments of joy. However, that way of thinking was shut down as soon as I came here, betrayal being the cause of it. In the room were people who I once considered to be close friends, now they were nothing but mere strangers to me. Pushing all of my anxiety into a deep pit, I decide to be bold. Carefully I walk in, my legs trembling violently with every step I take. They didn't notice me at first, too busy with each others' company to pay attention to their surroundings. "M-mingi, can I talk to you?" Everyone in the room halted, turning to the voice that suddenly made itself present. They were all there staring, expressions completely blank. None of them said a word, their glaring eyes were void of any emotion. To me that stung worse than anything else. "Yeah, we can talk." Mingi answered, getting up. The other men carried on with their conversation, entirely ignoring my existence. Unable to take the aching misery flaring within me, I wobble out of the room. All of them can burn in hell for all I care, especially Hoseok. He promised that he would help me and has yet to deliver. My heart physically throbbed against my rib cage, heavy with the dense weight of the hate that it carried. "What do you need Jimin-ah?" The noticeable concern in his eyes and gentle tone made me feel safe. Why do I find myself becoming much more comfortable in his presence? An innate trust just developed sorely off of the fact that he's the only one who somewhat looks out for me. "I-I just wanted to ask about the training?" The taller's eyebrows furrowed, lips forming a frown. "You still want to do that?" I shake my head yes. "Jimin you're fucking insane! You are in no condition to train, especially the way we do it. Like I've said before maybe we should wait until you're physically more healthy.". "I want to start today, right now. I'm not asking for much." His bottom lip got caught in between his teeth, distress present in his eyes. "Please." I pouted, giving my best puppy eyes. He huffed at this, sucking his teeth. "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you. Come with me." Smiling victoriously, I hobble quickly behind him.

He brought me in the room that V did when I was used as his target. "What kind of training are you looking to do?" I shrug, honestly unsure of an answer. "Teach me everything you know." Abruptly, a hysterical laugh bursts from the green haired male. "You can not handle everything we do." With furrowed brows I ask, "How do you know?" Suddenly his expression turns serious. "I know because you're training with me. My squad was trained by V. V and his top men trained with the old leader. Trust me when I say this, you don't want to train like how we did back then. It's a whole other level than what I'll teach you." Once he mentioned the boss all of my previous defensiveness vanished. I now understand why he doesn't want to show me everything he knows. "Ok, I'll start you off with the basics." Apparently our definitions of 'basics' are totally different, or maybe his idea of it is just skewed. High pitched shrieks echoed, bouncing around the training room walls. Another kick landed spot on to my gut. Blood spurted from my mouth, painting a vivid rouge onto my plush lips. It felt like a boulder was dropped onto me, crushing my insides. What type of training is this? My ass collided with the cement-like flooring, creating a bone crushing sound. A blood curdling scream emanated from deep within my chest. "Get up! You're allowing yourself to get beat up. That's not the goal." I could barely make out the words that he said. My hearing was muffled as if my ears were clogged with water. Struggling to lift myself back up, a punch to my chest swiftly knocked me right back down. He's not even giving me a chance to stand or rather catch my breath. "T-that's n-not f...fair." My words came out shaky and unsteady just like my body's physical state. Mingi's face twisted into a wicked grin that I would never want to witness again. Suddenly my side is throbbing from an attack that I never saw coming. This fucker just doesn't want to play fair. Bubbling rage rose from the abyss of my stomach, travelling throughout my body. My breathing was erratic, quickly turning heavier and darker. A wash of manic wrath coloring my aura a dark maroon color. "Yeah, get mad. I want you to attack me so I can kick your ass for the hundredth time." The taunting tone dripped from his voice like molten lava. "Fuck you!" I bark, lips curled back into a snarl. The next moments were a blur. I blacked out due to the encompassing fury that enveloped me. Right now, we're eating some simple ramyeon in silence. My body is still trying to catch up to my brain's recovery. At this point I feel so numb, my mind is unable to comprehend what just happened. "I didn't mean anything I said. My goal was to make you angry so that you would attack back. The way we train is brutal and barbaric you're going to have to get used to it. Of course I'll teach you more technical techniques and we'll train with weapons too." What did I just get myself into?

A.N.~ Hopefully you love this update. xoxo

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