Don't go

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  "Doll?" The deep voice I've grown so familiar with speaks

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  "Doll?" The deep voice I've grown so familiar with speaks. Turning from where I stood at the bookcase I ran over to the man.  "Seokjin told me that you were awaiting my return." Throughout the time V was gone Seokjin was the only person allowed to come and check on me, attending to my needs and what not. At this point in my life it feels unnatural to be alone. Now I find myself craving for someone to always be near, even if it's V.  "I-I was." I whisper meekly, feeling the urge to submit as he caressed my cheek softly.  "Were you behaving well?" He questioned, with soft eyes though something about his undertone made anxiety spike in my chest. 'Did I do anything wrong? No... I couldn't have.'  "Of course, I'm always a good boy for you." I answer as confidently as I could manage, though the shift in his aura turned my gut into a knot. He stopped moving his hand in a soothing manner, instead striking it down against my cheek in a swift movement. I gasped at this, eyes blurring from the small dots of water building up in my waterline.  "LIAR!" He screams, pupils shaking with rage. I opened my mouth to defend myself but something stopped me. V had his hand wrapped around my neck, slowly tightening it. He was beyond pissed, the fire ablaze in his dark orbs. 'Why was he upset, I wouldn't know.'   "P-please." I wheeze in an attempt to speak.  "Please... stop." And he let go, he actually listened. As soon as my lungs were free I gasped, taking multiple gulps of air. "I-I'm sorry, whatever I did wrong I'm s-sorry." I sob uncontrollably, beginning to hyperventilate. "You refused to eat the food Seokjin tried to give you while I was gone. How ungrateful of you. If you were to starve it'll be by my say, not yours. Remember," He leans in, lips next to my ear,  "I own you... so stay in your place." My throat tightened and suddenly I was feeling nauseous. A bitter and gut wrenching pain settled in my stomach. Though his words were absolutely awful and stung in the worst ways, that didn't stop me from craving him. He's all I have anyways.

"You're leaving again? But you were just gone." I whine, distraught when I see V dressed up as he does when going away.  "It's only for the night. I need to handle something." I huff at his answer, dissatisfied. "C-can I, can I go with you?" I ask impulsively, unable to stay alone. The man only glances at me with a blank expression. However, a grin replaces the lack of emotion leaving me in confusion.  "If you would like to then yes, but I'm warning you now. It's not the most bright scene." He says, smile never leaving his face. Not only have I been through plenty of hell myself. I've seen two dead people in front of me, I'll survive. "I can handle it." I mumble, shying away from his stare. His hand went under my chin, guiding me to look up at him. There was a look in his eyes that I can compare to endearment but not quite that. "Of course you can." He taps under my chin with a small smile.

The rancid stench of alcohol and smoke intrude my nostrils once we walk into a building. Music was blasting from a speaker in one corner of the small room. The walls had cracks and the carpet was dingy. There were people everywhere, most of them not fully clothed. In the middle were some people popping pills and smoking weed on tattered leather sofas. It looked chaotic and honestly disgusting. Sticking by V, I moved when he stopped. "What do you have to do?" I ask in his ear since the music was so loud. "I'm looking for someone in particular, his name is Do Sunoo." V answers and judging by his expression there was hell to break loose. One of the girls, that so happened to be a naked came up to us.  "Hey daddy." She slurred running a hand down his chest making me cringe.  "You are too fine to not be getting laid, there's a couple free rooms upstairs. I'll charge you half the price." She whispered the last part in his ear. The whole time I stood awkwardly to the side, observing the exchange. To my surprise V shot her a charming smile hands reaching down to grab her bare ass, biting his bottom lip.  "I might take you up on that offer later, but I'm busy right now. Do you know anything about Sunoo's whereabouts?" Her eyes widened at the mention of his name. Instantly her demeanor changed, her expression no longer seductive instead a more firm look washed her features.  "Why do you need him?" She asks, with a completely different tone.  "I have business to take care of with him, he'll know why I'm there don't worry."  I can tell the woman was afraid by observing her body language and tone.  "I-I don't know if I can do that. What's your name?" She gnawed on her lip, a tell-tale sign she was nervous.  "V." He states simply yet impactful. Her face morphed into a knowing look and she gulped.  "Ok, follow me."

"Please don't let him know that I was the one who allowed you up here." The woman pleads, eyes full of worry.  "I won't." V assures. She left, leaving us in front of a door. Whoever was behind it was clearly enjoying themselves judging from the lewd noises coming from the room.  "Stand back." V commands, leaving me to wonder what this man was up to. I still have no clue what the objective of this visit is. V cocked back his leg before proceeding to kick the door open. The commotion causing a shrill scream from the girl in the room. The pair scurried around in an attempt to cover themselves.  "What the fuck are you doing here? How did you find me?" The man, presumably Sunoo, asked with a dumbfounded expression.  "That's too many questions. What I really need to know is where the fuck is my money?" V counters with a smile, contradicting the glare he shoots Sunoo. You could see the blood drain from his face, leaving him pale.  "I-I told you I'll have it by Friday." Sunoo stutters pathetically.  "Did you check the calendar? It's Friday."  Sunoo gulps, defeat etched onto his features.  "Please spare me some more time. How about Sunday? I should have it by then." He bargains with a hopeful look.  "What's your name darling?" V asks the woman next to him, completely ignoring Sunoo's pleads.  "J-Jihyo." She mumbles, gazing at him with cautious eyes.  "You're really beautiful huh." He comments, petting her head sensually.  "You know, I can really use some relief." V says, unbuckling his belt and pulling down his pants.  "W-wait, please no she's my girlfriend." Sunoo whimpers.  "Even better." V responds yanking Jihyo by her hair, forcing her on her knees.   "P-please, I-I can get you a prostitute from downstairs. Just please don't." Sunoo begs and I watch in shock as V sinks her mouth down onto his erection anyways. He lets out a satisfied groan while Jihyo whimpers, tears pooling in her waterline. Sunoo rushes over in an attempt to save her, but V pulls a gun from his waistband. "Don't even." He growls, thrusting in her mouth almost choking her.  "Why don't you join, put on a show for my pretty doll hmm?" V suggests with a playful tone, but I couldn't help but think he was serious.

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