The past

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          "Why are you frowning?" V rolls over, gazing at me with curious eyes

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          "Why are you frowning?" V rolls over, gazing at me with curious eyes.  "M'just thinking." I mumble through pouty lips. Everyday my mind has been buzzing back and forth with thoughts of whether I'm happier now. With the conflict of my feelings and whether they're real or a delusion my mind conjured up. I can't help but feel like I've become comfortable with this life... or whatever the hell this is. And though I have found an odd comfort in this,  I can't help but still feel empty. Something is missing in my already broken soul. So many times I try to fill the void with the same people who created it in the first place. I expect the same people who broke me  to also love and cherish me. They give me the bare minimum of attention and I accept it, allowing them to continue to hurt me. And I won't change... I can't change. Ignorance is bliss, I'd rather live in my delusions than face the truth. But then again the chasm in my heart aches, urging me to let go of this false reality. The fake truth that I'm loved.   "About what?" He presses, inching closer to me. I stare into his coal irises, there was no emotion.  "Do you care about me? Like at all?" I blurt, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. The man holds my gaze, eye contact unwavering.  "Where is this coming from?" He narrows his eyes at me.  "Can you just answer the question." I say with no force, more like a whine.  "I do care, not in the way you'd want me to though." He finally answers, however it leaves me more confused.  "What does that even mean?"  My eyebrows were furrowed, brain racking up ways to interpret his words.   "I like having you around. People like you are easy to play with, one push and you fall just like that."  V tells me with a straight face, as if I'm supposed to know exactly what he means.   "Who are people like me?" I huff, irritated with his riddles.  "Broken, vulnerable, weak. The list goes on." His answer shouldn't have stung as hard as it did. But it's the truth, his whole description applies to me.  "You're one to talk though, you have to be pretty fucked to do the shit you do. We're in the same boat" I comment a feigned laugh, earning a grin.  "It's funny how trauma plays out in people's lives. For some it strengthens them, allowing them to climb up in the ranks becoming more powerful. And for others it belittles them, swallowing them whole and left for dead. It turned me into a predator, chasing after prey like you." He replies leaving me offended. Though I could commend his honesty. It gets me wondering more about his past, how did V become himself.  "What made you into this... this predator? Why are you like this, you said you'll tell me." I would take anything that'll make me understand V, even if it's only by a small percentage. He didn't speak for a moment, that's when I saw it. A sliver of what looked like pain flashed through those ebony orbs, but only for a second. The only true emotion he ever expressed with such fervor was anger.  "Ever since I was a baby my mother abused me physically and she was incredibly negligent. She was a crackhead and so by age 11 I was put into foster care. My biological father was never in my life and none of my family members wanted to take me in. For about 2 years I switched between foster parents. It was either a great experience with the best parents ever or suffering with the absolute worst, there was no in between. There was one home where my foster mother would sexually assault me daily, a dirty bastard she was. Soon though I was adopted by a man named Kim Taehoon. On paper he was the owner of a franchise of tattoo parlors, really he was the former leader of Reign. He was the man who taught me all that I know, along with my adopted brothers Seokjin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jungkook. I couldn't say he loved us but he took better care of us then we've ever been taken care of. He taught how to survive in this treacherous, evil world. Showed us the secret to climbing to the top. Out of all us brothers I was the most suited for the leader position. Lone behold once I turned 17 I was announced as the new leader of Reign. This is all I know Jimin, this is my world." I was completely taken aback by his story. He recounted this as if he was simply telling me what he had for dinner. It perplexes me, how is he so calm. How is he not expressing any sign of hurt from those agonizing memories? Just imagining going through that makes me want to cry out in misery for him.  "How are you not affected?" I utter in a hoarse voice.  "Who says I'm not," He answers with a pained chuckle.  "I live by hurting people, everyday. That should tell you everything."  Now I somewhat understand, how differently he expresses his damaged psyche. He takes out his pain through this job, as terrible as it is it works for him.  "Do you feel bad for doing the things you do?" I ask genuinely not knowing what to expect in response.  "No."  An answer that I should've expected, yet it still took me by surprise.  "But you kill allot of innocent people." I refute.  "Just because you see that there isn't a specific reason I kill someone, doesn't mean they're innocent. Humans are flawed, a majority of people are evil as fuck hence why I ended up the way I am. For instance if I killed my mom you would probably think that I'm insane for doing that to my precious mother, however in reality she was a piece of shit druggie that never wanted me. You get what I'm saying?" And I did understand. The part of me that held all of my moral compass wanted to disagree, but he made a solid point. Almost no one is inherently innocent, except for children. But like V, you can easily have your innocence and purity snatched away from you with no way of getting it back. I know all too well what that's like to have your childhood ripped right from your hands and the scars of it still reside within me.

A/N~ A little insight of V's past. Last chapter will be posted sometime this week. Love ya'll, xoxo

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