Chapter 4:answers

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Third person pov

The light was off inside the clubroom y/n was strapped to a chair beacause rias wasn't sure what y/n is or is he the one rias and sona met on the old place where they met a strange boy.
Y/n eyes start to open and he starts moving his hands

"what the?" y/n said to him self"where am i? Why is it sp dark"

The door then opens revealling rias gremory

"oh your awake thats good" rias said

"where am i? Why am I strapped to this bed?" y/n asked

"i have questions you must answer first before i let you go" rias replied

"allright" y/n replied

"do you remember me?" rias asked

"huh what do you mean?" y/n asked, and he starts to think who rias is, then it clocked"ahh! Your that girl with yhe red hair! "

"lower your voice, i knew it i was right it was you" rias said

"wait a minute, my BROTHER! WHERE IS HE!" y/n shouted

"don't worry he's fine, but i had tp turn him to a devil in order to save him and also he would be serving me in exchange" rias said

"i see"y/n replied

"your not mad?"rias asked, wondering why

"well you saved him its only normal he must do something greater in exchange right?" y/n said, witha dead pan face"wait what about me? Did you turn me to a devil too? "

"don't tell me you still don't know?" rias asked

"yes, i only know little with my past" y/n said

"oh, i think my friend can explain to you your past then" rias said, then sna walks into the room and rias introduces her and y/n was shock aswell

"Allright what do you want to about you first y/n?" sona asked

"me what am i exactly?" y/n asked, with hopefull eyes

"w-well your a living weapon created by the old devil kings lucifer and leviathan" sona said

"a weapon?" y/n asked

"yes, your heart or in this case is created by using the power of a crython star the crython star is known to be a type of artifact that has almost unlimited destructive power" sona said, then fixed her glasses

"ok.."y/n said, then looks down

" what wrong? "rias asked

" it's just i never thought i would be a living weapon, i always thought maybe im just different but i guess im wrong"y/n said, then asked again"whats my power then? "

" your power is known as STARS RUPTURE it is classified by the devil kings old archives as an ultimate destruction magic far stronger than the bael household's power of destruction, it utilizes compressed intertwined stratifactions aka layers of wind which turns onto gaps between space and time creating a void of nothingness and rupture in the universe as it destroys everything until all that's left is a vacumm and of course the dust of the enemy maybe."sona said, and rias is in just shock and awe

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