Chapter 7:What Did You Do?

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Y/n pov

I was currently sitting on top of a tree watching kiba and issei spar for the upcoming riser rating game, i wasn't present during the meeting at the clubroom but i heard from koneko that issei got punched but i digress, i was too busy about the reason why i wasn't at the clubroom


I was walking on the way to the clubroom when suddenly i felt a burst of energy heading straight for me so i duct and it did

"what the hell?" i asked myself"where did that come from? " then i looked around when suddenly snakes appeared infront of me and started to bunch up and then they formed a gothic loli

"was that you?" i asked, activating my magic

"hmm~"she hummed "so you are the weapon they were talking about? "

"huh? Who's them?" i asked, prepared to attack her if she does anything

"nothing-- i am ophis infinite dragon god and i have come to execute you" she replied

"huh what do you-" i get cut of by her blasting me but i dodged it

I then released a burst of wind which sliced her attire up and her skin but she remained un affected

"the heck?" i then blasted her with small destructive beams which she dodged and but destroyed a couple buildings. "oops"

I then summoned my sword to my hand and dashed towards her but she blinked out of view then suddenly appeared behind me and hit me on the head knocking me out, after awhile i woke up by her slapping me

"hmm, your strong" she said

"so what, tell me what do you want if not ill break out of this chains and kill you!" i said

"strong but an idiot, i can use you" she said then suddenly stabbed me with her hand then placed something on me then let me go

"w-what d-d-did you do?..." i asked, feeling heartpain

"your gonna be my doll now, i shall leave" ophis then left, then the bindings disappeared

Back to real-time

I asked myself if i should say this to rias but decided not to their allready focusing on their training they dont need another problem

"hey y/n!" asia said

"h-hey asia right?" i asked, newly meeting her

"yes, can you come down the tree i would like to speak to you" asia said, then i went down the tree

"so what is it?" i asked

"i want to thank you for saving me" she then gave me a hug

"well honestly it wasn't me that save you it was issei" i said

"how nice of you, giving your brother the credit" asia said, smiling

"y-yeah" i said with a red tint on my cheeks

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